Spring Time Grooming Tips!

Why Our Dogs LOVE Autumn

Why Our Dogs LOVE Autumn

April 8, 2024

Cooler Temperatures

While summer is great for holidays, swimming and being outdoors, our dogs don’t love the heat as they aren’t able to regulate their temperatures in the same way as we do as dogs don’t sweat, but instead pant to dissipate the heat. For this reason it’s much harder for them keep cool and the change in temperature is a welcome relief.

Less Allergies

Spring and summer feature the most allergens for both people and dogs.  Between trees blooming, grass seeding, and almost every plant pollinating, it’s no wonder our fur pups tend to have a miserable time during these months.  By the time autumn arrives, the allergens are greatly reduced and relief is at hand.  Fewer allergens mean not as much itching and less eye, ear, and nose issues. Yet another reason why dogs love Autumn.

Fewer Insects

From mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks, to ants, stinging insects, and spiders, the fall months feature less blood sucking and biting insects.  Sure, some are still some around, but not near as many insects bother our furry friends in the Autumn.  Not only are they a bother, but they can carry diseases as well.  What’s not to love about fewer insects.

Longer Walks

Cooler autumn temperatures mean longer walks are a lot more possible.  In the summer, shorter walks are almost a necessity in many parts of the country since the air and footpaths are so hot.  Many dogs love long walks, so this is yet another reason for dogs to love Autumn.

The Open Road

Dogs love riding in cars and trucks while hanging their heads out the window.  It’s quite a bit more comfortable for all involved when this takes place in cooler weather.  Autumn is the time for exploring new places with your pup and the brisk mornings and mild afternoons afford a perfect opportunity to enjoy the open road.

Camping Trips

Camping is fun year-round, but with less heat and humidity, insects, allergens, and more options for cool activities, Autumn camping can’t be beaten.  Another bonus is less sunlight and longer campfires to relax by and enjoy the night sky with the shorter days.

Hit the Beach

We love to visit the beach in the summer and go swimming, build sandcastles, hunt for seashells, sunbathe and play beach sports.  However, the sand collects and focuses a lot of heat back at the person or animal on the beach.  Since dogs have a hard time regulating heat in the summer and they are more susceptible to burning their paws on the hot sand, Autumn is a great time to hit the beach and partake in new adventures without having to worry about hot weather and sand.


Canine Anxiety – How To Recognise and Treat It

Canine Anxiety – How To Recognise and Treat It

March 15, 2024

Owning a dog is a rewarding experience, but it comes with many challenges as well.

One of the concerns that many dog owners face is how to deal their pup if they are anxious. Understanding the signs and causes of canine anxiety is crucial to providing the support and care your furry friend needs. 

What is an Anxious Dog?

An anxious dog is more than just a pet displaying temporary stress; it’s an individual experiencing an ongoing emotional struggle. Anxiety in dogs can manifest in a range of behaviours that go beyond momentary unease. Dogs, much like humans, can be affected by persistent worry or fear, and understanding the nuances of their anxiety is crucial for responsible and compassionate pet ownership.

Dogs, being highly attuned to their surroundings and sensitive to changes, may encounter situations that trigger anxiety. It’s important for pet owners to be attuned to their furry friends’ behaviour and emotions. An anxious dog may exhibit behaviours such as excessive panting, restlessness, or trembling, signalling an internal emotional turmoil that requires attention and care.

What Causes an Anxious Dog?

Understanding the root causes of canine anxiety is key to providing effective support for your pet. Dogs can experience anxiety due to various factors, and each case is unique. Past traumatic experiences, changes in their environment, or fear of specific stimuli can contribute to their anxious state.

1. Past Traumatic Experiences

Dogs, much like humans, can carry the emotional baggage of past traumatic events. Whether it’s an abusive history, a negative encounter with another animal, or even a distressing incident during puppyhood, these experiences can leave a lasting impact on a dog’s mental well-being.

2. Changes in the Environment

Dogs thrive on routine and familiarity. Any sudden changes in their living environment, such as a move to a new house or the introduction of new family members or pets, can trigger anxiety. Dogs may struggle to adapt to these alterations, leading to a heightened sense of unease.

3. Fear of Loud Noises

Many dogs are sensitive to loud noises, such as thunderstorms or fireworks. The unpredictable and booming sounds can induce anxiety in some dogs, making them seek refuge or exhibit anxious behaviours like pacing or hiding.

4. Separation Anxiety

Dogs are social animals that form strong bonds with their owners. When left alone for extended periods, some dogs may experience separation anxiety. This condition can manifest in destructive behaviour, excessive barking, or other signs of distress.

Signs of an Anxious Dog

Dogs are highly intuitive creatures and communicate their emotional state through a variety of behaviours. Recognising these signs is akin to understanding a silent language that your furry friend uses to convey distress. 

The sooner you can identify these signs, the quicker you can provide the support your dog needs. Here are some common behaviours that may indicate your dog is struggling with anxiety:

1. Panting

While panting is a natural way for dogs to cool down, excessive panting in non-stressful situations may be a red flag for anxiety. If your dog is panting excessively, seemingly without any physical exertion or elevated temperature, it could be a manifestation of their emotional unease.

2. Pacing

Restless pacing is a visible manifestation of inner turmoil. If your dog is continuously moving back and forth, unable to settle, it might be attempting to cope with stress. This repetitive behaviour is an attempt to find comfort or alleviate the anxious feelings.

3. Trembling

Shaking or trembling is a clear physical indicator of a nervous or anxious state in dogs. If your pet displays these trembling movements, it’s a visible expression of the emotional discomfort they’re experiencing. Understanding the context and potential triggers is crucial for addressing this behaviour.

4. Drooling

Unexplained drooling, especially when not associated with food or anticipated activities, can be a symptom of anxiety. Excessive salivation may signify that your dog is feeling uneasy or stressed. Observing the circumstances surrounding the drooling can help pinpoint the cause.

5. Withdrawal or Hiding

An anxious dog may seek isolation or hide from its owner and other pets. If your once sociable and outgoing dog starts avoiding social interactions or retreating to secluded spots, it could be an indication of underlying anxiety. Creating a safe space for your dog to retreat to is essential in such situations.

6. Irritability or Aggression

Anxiety can manifest as a change in behaviour, leading to irritability or heightened aggression. If your dog becomes unusually reactive, snapping, growling, or displaying aggressive tendencies, it may be a response to heightened stress levels. Identifying the triggers for this behaviour is crucial for effective intervention.

7. Low or Tucked Tail

A dog’s tail position is a significant indicator of its emotional state. A low or tucked tail suggests anxiety and a desire to appear smaller or less threatening. Observing your dog’s tail position in various situations can provide valuable insights into their emotional well-being.

8. Ears Back

Pinned-back ears are another sign of unease or fear in dogs. If your dog’s ears are flattened against their head, it indicates a heightened level of stress. Understanding the context in which this behaviour occurs can help you address the specific triggers causing discomfort.

9. Dilated Eyes

Wide, dilated eyes may signal heightened stress levels in your dog. If your dog’s eyes appear larger than usual, it could be an indication of their emotional state. Dilated eyes often accompany other signs of anxiety and serve as an essential cue for early intervention.

How to Treat an Anxious Dog

Once you’ve identified that your dog is anxious, it’s time to explore effective treatment options. Here are some strategies to help your furry friend relax:

  • Create a safe space – Designate a quiet, comfortable space where your dog can retreat when feeling anxious.
  • Establish routines – Dogs thrive on routine. Establishing consistent daily routines can provide a sense of security and predictability for your pet.
  • Use calming products – Consider using products like calming vests, anxiety wraps, or diffusers that release calming pheromones.
  • Behavioural training – Positive reinforcement training can help address specific anxieties and build your dog’s confidence.
  • Professional help – If your dog’s anxiety is severe, seeking professional assistance from a veterinarian or a certified dog behaviourist may be necessary.

In Summary

Caring for an anxious dog requires patience, understanding, and proactive measures. By recognising the signs of anxiety and implementing appropriate strategies, you can help your dog lead a happier and more relaxed life. 

Remember, every dog is unique, so it may take time to find the most effective approach for your furry friend. With the right support and resources, you can make a significant difference in your dog’s well-being and strengthen the bond you share.

Recognising Hot Spots and What To Do To Prevent Them

Recognising Hot Spots and What To Do To Prevent Them

February 13, 2024

During summer, we see an array of health issues when we are grooming, and one of the most misunderstood problems are hot spots, so what are they are what can we do to help?

Hot spots are a localised skin infection (also commonly called moist dermatitis) and can be caused by bacteria entering the skin in several ways. One of the main reasons we see hot spots in summer is because the dog is scratching and bacteria can easily enter slightly broken skin and a hot spot can quickly form.

The area which usually starts off as a red patch on the skin, can quickly spread over several hours from the size of a coin to the size of your hand if your dog is licking and chewing at it, so it is imperative that they leave it alone even if you have to resort to an Elizabethan collar so they can’t reach the spot.

For smaller heat spots, healing is usually reasonably quick if the area is clipped of fur to let the air in and given regular saline rinses or diluted Betatine solutions and patted dry but if the area is spreading it is important to go to your vet in case antibiotics are in order.

Some dogs are more predisposed to hot spots than others, and owners of such dogs usually notice a warm patch of skin where the dog has been nibbling and infection is building, followed by a dampness which develops into a pus filled area. As the sore begins to dry and heal it will form a scab and that is natures band-aid so it’s important to leave it in place to allow healing underneath. At some point, it will fall away on its own.

To prevent hot spots in the first place, it’s important to find out why your dog is scratching and do what you can to prevent it.

Make sure you keep fleas under control and check ears are clean and smelling fresh as ear infections can cause scratching around the head and neck.

Allowing your dog to stay wet for extended periods can also lead to hot spots forming, so it’s important to dry your pup off completely after swimming or grooming

Keeping your long haired or thick coated breeds regularly groomed will help keep the dog cool and your groomer can get a better look at the skin using a force dryer to part the fur and see straight to the skin which is usually not possible at home.

Jim’s Dog Wash groomers have ways to sanitise their equipment to eliminate bacteria but it is important that if your dog has been trimmed short, they do not scratch too hard not realising that they don’t have a thick coat anymore so they can cause a break in their skin, which could potentially lead to a hot spot.

Dalmatian Dog Breed Facts

Dalmatian Dog Breed Facts

January 8, 2024

The Dalmatian breed are often reserved and dignified and can be a little aloof. They are very loyal and make an excellent companion due to their loving and loyal natures. They love nothing more than a snuggle and nap with their family.

Dalmatians became extremely popular as a result of the 101 Dalmatians movie released in 1961 and suffered greatly due to irresponsible breeding at that time with many pups being abandoned.

Dalmatians are born completely white without spots, which develop when they are around 4 weeks old

Each Dalmatian has their own unique spots, like a human finger print

Spots generally are black or brown but can come in yellow, blue or brindle

Dalmatians became popular in the 1800’s as they were used as coach dogs to protect the carriages and horses

Dalmatians have been known by many names, including English Coach Dog, Leopard Carriage Dog, Fire House Dog, Pudding Dog and the Spotted Dick.

Dalmatians are a very old breed, the first reference to a Dalmation Dog was in 1375 and paintings of the breed have been found in Greek frescos dating to around the year 1600. Spotted dogs have also been found painted on Egyptian tombs, running along beside chariots.

The current thoughts are that they originally came from Dalmatia, in Austria with their ancestors likely to be the Pointers, however the Romani people historically kept Dalmatians and with their nomadic lifestyles the breed spread throughout the world.

Dalmatians are known for having higher than average litters and is a genetic trait due to them having a higher than average number of eggs in their ovaries

Dalmatians are susceptible to congenital deafness that cannot be treated. It’s recommended that you only purchase puppies from reputable breeders who have tested the parents and puppies to unsure that this trait is not inherited.

Given appropriate training and excercise Dalmatians make a fantastic family pet due to their intelligence and loyalty. Their coats are soft and they have very little doggy odour so need fewer baths, however they are shedders and need frequent brushes to keep the skin and coat in the best condition


How To Keep Your Christmas Tree Safe With The Family Pet

How To Keep Your Christmas Tree Safe With The Family Pet

December 11, 2023

Christmas is almost here and it’s time to start decorating your house. If you share your home with pets, you might find this time of year challenging when you want to protect your tree!

See our quick tips to keep your tree intact this Christmas:

  1. Make sure your tree is pet friendly. If you are wanting a fresh tree, take into consideration that your pets may try to eat it. Pine needles, if ingested can cause stomach irritations and the water collecting beneath the tree can be a breeding ground for bacteria.
  2. Consider an artificial tree which will reduce the appeal for your pets to climb up and chew on branches
  3. Always secure your tree before decorating. Use a sturdy tree stand to make sure that it doesn’t topple over when curious dogs and cats investigate. You can also use fishing line to anchor it to the wall or ceiling
  4. It’s a good idea to leave the tree bare for a few days to allow your pet to investigate without breaking any ornaments
  5. Avoid tinsel and artificial snow. Your pets may not be able to resist the shiny allure of the tinsel and it’s best to opt for ornaments made from non toxic materials
  6. Put your delicate ornaments on sturdy branches at the top of the tree to avoid them being knocked off.
  7. You can also try using twist ties as an extra way to secure the ornaments on the tree
  8. Try using shatterproof ornaments or use materials such as plastic or fabric to minimise breakages or injury. They can cause scratches and cuts or even worse if eaten.
  9. Spray with pet safe deterrent
  10. Supervise your pets and provide training by redirecting their attention whenever they become curious
  11. Use a barrier, such as a gate or dog fence to stop your dogs being able to reach the tree
  12. Choose a smaller tree that doesn’t sit on the ground out of your pups way (although this may not help for cats).
  13. Christmas light cords can cause a nasty electric shock if chewed on, make sure that cords are hidden or use cord covers. If your pet cannot be dissuaded from exploring and chewing, you can try battery powered lights that don’t have the long cords to the power points
  14. Candy canes and ginger bread decorations are another invitation for your pets to explore the tree.
  15. Avoid putting out presents early, they may contain food items that are toxic to your pets.

Never leave your pet unsupervised to minimise the chances of anything happening and hopefully, you can find a way to have a festive house and keep your pets happy and safe.

Merry Christmas from the Jim’s Dog Wash team!

Five Tips To Keep Your Pup Cool This Summer

Five Tips To Keep Your Pup Cool This Summer

December 10, 2023

There is nothing better than keeping cool in Summer when the weather heats up and we have put together a few tips on how to keep your pooch cool as well!

The quickest way to tell that your pup is heating up is through their breathing. We sweat to cool down, dogs cool themselves by panting. Keep an eye out for excessive panting as an early warning that your pup is starting to over heat.


Always make sure that your dog has fresh, cool drinking water at all times.

Before you go for a walk, try half filling and freezing a dog bowl or a container with water and freezing it. Once the bowl is frozen, you can fill the rest up with water. This will keep the water on top nice and cool while the ice slowly melts.

If you are out and about, make sure that you carry water to keep your dog hydrated if there is no water available.


Just like us, playing in water can help to bring down your dog’s body temperature. A wet dog is a cool dog! They will only need enough water to get their paws and belly wet. If it’s any deeper you should make sure you supervise your pup at all times.

You can also try a sprinkler, a pool or a lake to help cool them down.


Make sure that you always provide a spot with shade for your pup to snooze out the heat of the day. You can put up a sun shade, a tarp or even a spot on the verandah.

You can also look at a cooling bed. They come in heavy duty plastic with cooling gel inside to keep your pup cool.

Alternatively, you can use an ice pack or a wet towel for your pup to lay on to keep them cool.

Early morning or late evening walks and playtime to ensure that your pup is still getting the exercise that they need without overheating.

Always check the temperature of roads and footpaths before walking upon them as your dog’s paws can be burnt on hot surfaces. A great way is to place your hand on the surface and test it yourself.


The Australian sun can quickly turn your car into an oven and is very dangerous for dogs left in cars. Never leave your pup in a car unsupervised

  • Keep the air conditioning on when driving with your dog and/or when you are in a parked car with your dog
  • Don’t park in direct sunlight with your dog in the car
  • Keep an eye on your dog if they start to show signs of heatstroke i.e. panting, salivating, discomfort, or disorientation


Keep your pup cool during the warmer months with a haircut or deshed to remove any excess hair that can overheat time.

To arrange a booking with one of our 260 franchisees across Australia, call 131546



How To Tell A Dog’s Age

How To Tell A Dog’s Age

September 20, 2023

Having an estimate of your pup’s age is important so that you can understand their dietary needs, healthcare and even how much exercise they should be having.

When you purchase a puppy, you generally know a dog’s age but with many dogs coming from rescues, it can be a little more difficult to know how old they are.

Your vet can examine your dog’s teeth to give you an approximate age. In puppies it’s more accurate, but once adult teeth have come in your vet can only base their estimates on wear and staining. This can vary greatly, depending on previous dental care, diet and even what chew toys your pup likes!

Just like people, dogs also turn grey as they age although this can vary but it will give you an indication that your dog is becoming a senior. This will usually start around 6 -7 years of age.

As a dog ages, the lenses in their eyes become cloudy or blueish, which is normal. Even young dogs can develop cataracts, making the eye appear cloudy or white, which can make this method a little unreliable.

Older dogs have walked a lot of miles and their pads become hardened and darker as they age and the nails may also become brittle. Aging dogs often begin to lose muscle tone with their spine appearing more prominent. Middle aged dogs may develop fat pads over the lower back area

If you are really wanting a more exact age for your pup, you can explore DNA testing. A laboratory will be able to measure the length of your dog’s DNA and be able to tell you (almost) exactly how old your pup is.

It’s difficult to be completely sure of the ages of dogs between 2-8 years as some dogs mature faster but if you aren’t sure of your dog’s needs, speak to your vet who will be able to make health care recommendations for you.



Spring Time Grooming Tips!

Spring Time Grooming Tips!

August 18, 2023

In winter our pups grow heavier coats to keep them warm when it’s cool. When Spring comes along, you will likely notice more hair around the house as your pup starts to lose their winter coat.

If you aren’t on a regular brushing and grooming routine, it’s a good time to start in spring as it’s the time when your dog will shed the most.

REGULAR BRUSHING is a big one and regardless of your pup’s coat type, regular brushing is important. Even the low maintenance, short haired breeds (Boxers, Bull Terriers, Dalmations, Pugs, Dobermans, Great Danes, Terriers etc) will also benefit from a weekly brush to help remove any loose fur and dander.

We recommend Pet+ Me Silicon Brushes. They are cheap and designed to remove all shedded hair and dander gently. Double coated dogs (Malamutes, German Shepherds) will need daily brushing (or sometimes more) in Spring to remove all the loose hair that has grown during winter.

Long haired pups, or high maintenance breeds (poodles, oodles, Shih Tzus etc) will need brushing at least every couple of days no matter the season to keep the knots under control.

BATH TIME helps get rid of any dirt, pollen or loose hair from your pup’s coat. You should only use products designed for dogs (human shampoos are bad for their coat). The washing routine will vary greatly depending on the breed and and how active your pup is but a good rule of thumb is that it should be at least every two weeks or whenever they are smelly or dirty.

If your dog is matted or knotty, bathing can sometimes worsen the knots, so it’s a good idea groom your pup beforehand to remove any matts.

GROOMING is important for some breeds of dogs as matts can be very painful. Now that the weather is starting to warm up, it’s time to bring out the clippers or book in with your local groomer before the weather really heats up.

SPRING CLEAN BEDDING – It’s a good idea to go with their fresh new look and to remove any hair, dirt or dander that has built up over winter

Do you love dogs? Jim’s Dog Wash is always looking for dog lovers wanting a career change. There is no experience neccessary, you just need to love dogs. All the training is provided by Jim’s Dog Wash. Click here to learn more about becoming your own boss or free call 131546


Why Does My Dog Follow Me?

Why Does My Dog Follow Me?

July 25, 2023

If you have a clingy dog that follows you everywhere (even to the loo), you might find it comforting and a little bit cute but other times it can be annoying!

Dogs are social animals and it’s natural for them to want to watch and follow you, but if you are finding that your dog is too clingy it could be a problem and you aren’t sure if it is something that you should be concerned about

We have put together a list of reasons why your pup follows you


It could just be that your dog loves you, following you everywhere could be a sign that they trust you and you make them feel happy and safe


It could also be that your dog knows that if they follow up around often enough, there will likely be a treat and it’s a learned behaviour. If they get treats or attention when they follow you, they will likely do it more. If you are concerned about the behaviour, you could try to only reward your pup at the times when they don’t follow you to the bathroom.


Your pup might be just bored and looking for something to do. Try providing more regular walks or chew toys to provide more stimulation.


Dogs are always looking for cues from us, if you pick up your keys it might mean a trip to the park or if you are in the kitchen, it might mean a treat and your nosy pup wants to know what is going on all the time in case it affects them (especially in a good way).


Separation anxiety in dogs is a very real thing and being stressed can cause long term physical and mental issues for your pup. Signs that your pup might have separation anxiety include:

  • Accidents in the house
  • Destructive behaviour
  • Constant barking

Training your dog to enjoy their own company can mean a lot of work and possibly even behaviour training or medication. If this is something you are concerned about, you should visit your vet to ensure that there are no underlying health issues, especially if it’s new behaviour.


Why Does My Dog Stare At Me?

Why Does My Dog Stare At Me?

June 25, 2023

Most often, your dog stares at you because they love you!  Staring between dogs and humans releases oxytocin, which is generally known as the love hormone and is the chemical that is released when a new mother looks at her baby. It makes our dogs and us feel good!

It is good however, to understand the reasons behind the staring:


Our dogs are one of the few animals that are completely in tune with humans. Dogs are very observant and are always watching for cues for things that will affect them. Picking up the car keys might mean a drive to the dog park or opening a draw might mean food.


If your dog stares at you long enough, you might give them food, a treat, a reward or even your attention. This will then reinforce the staring behaviour. Ideally, we want our dogs to be looking for cues from us rather than making us feeling guilty. If you become aware of this behaviour, you can stop rewarding them at the wrong times


A dog that stares with unblinking eyes and a stiff posture might be doing something called resource guarding and is a throwback to their times in the wild. Staring can be threatening and can be used to warn off competitors for food. If this staring is combined with agressive behaviour, a visit to the vet or dog training is advised.


Getting your dog’s attention during training is one of the most important steps. If your dog isn’t looking at you, they aren’t paying attention. This is also an important command to redirect your dog’s attention when you are out at the park or in public with so many distractions.

The easiest way to teach a “Watch Me” cue is to lure the behavior from your dog. If you make it obvious where you want your dog to look, it won’t take long for them to catch on. Start these exercises in a quiet environment so you’re easily the most interesting thing in the room. The following steps will help you lure your dog’s eye contact:

  1. Hold a treat in front of your dog’s nose.
  2. Slowly bring the treat up between your eyes. Your dog should watch the treat and be staring at your forehead.
  3. Mark your dog’s behavior with a clicker, marker word like “Yes,” or praise, then give your dog the treat.
  4. Repeat the above steps but reward your dog with a treat from your other hand instead.
  5. Repeat steps 1 to 3 with an empty hand, but still reward your dog with a treat when they make eye contact. It can help if you stink up your fingers first by rubbing them with a treat. You’ve now taught a hand signal for “Watch Me.”
  6. When your dog is reliably following the hand signal, start saying your verbal cue like “Watch Me” or “Look” before you move your hand.
Autumn Grooming Tips

Autumn Grooming Tips

March 24, 2023

With summer over and the cooler time of the year about to begin, there are some necessities that your pup will need to prepare for the coming winter months. Changing seasons means changes in your dog’s nutrition and lifestyle and here are a few tips to ensure your best friend is healthy and happy:


With the cooler weather approaching, your dog may need new bedding or additional blankets to keep warm, especially if they sleep outside. If your dog spends a lot of time indoors, heating can lead to the skin and coat drying out. To keep moisture in the coat you can increase omega 3 into the diet to promote healthy skin and coat over the winter months. Fish such as salmon and whitefish are a great source of omega 3. If your dog wears a coat during winter, be aware that the jumper can rub on your dog’s fur, especially around the neck and front legs causing painful mats if you aren’t brushing regularly.


As the day gets shorter, some of your regular walks may take place in the dark. If you don’t have the proper gear to walk your dog at night, now is a good time to start thinking about it. You can purchase reflective gear for yourself and your dog, as well as light leashes (leashes that provide a light).

With the extra leaf litter and extra moisture trapped on the ground, we see an abundance of mushrooms growing in our back yards and while we are out walking. While most of mushrooms are non toxic, dogs are more susceptible to poisoning because of their wandering and their indiscriminate appetites, so keep an eye on your dog with a curious nose.


Contrary to popular belief ticks and fleas can still be prevalent in the cooler months and the build up of leaf litter is a tick’s favourite environment, so remember to keep up your flea and tick program.


Regular grooming is more important in winter, the most common misconception is that dogs don’t need regular grooming in winter and owners allow the coats to grow longer. Dogs will grow thicker coats to combat the cold but you still need to keep the coat neat for the insulation to work it’s best. Without regular grooming, your dog’s fur can become matted and cause discomfort and skin problems.

Dogs paws are also more susceptible to damage in the muddy and cold conditions. Hair between paws should be trimmed neatly to avoid mud being stuck between the paw and pads, which can cause infections and discomfort.

You should still wash your dog during winter, just be sure to dry them off completely so that they don’t get too cold afterwards. Jim’s Dog Wash uses force driers and has warm water on board to ensure that your pooch is warm, clean and completely dry.

If you want to keep your dog warm, comfortable and looking their best, call our friendly team on 131546

2023 – With A Bullet!

2023 – With A Bullet!

March 22, 2023

2022 saw the highest demand ever for our services, with over 40,500 new customers for the year. Even with over 100 new franchisees joining our team, we still didn’t have enough to service all of our customers with 34,265 customers, unfortunately turned away.

Divisional Franchisor, Sharon Connell, said Jim’s Dog Wash has an absolute commitment to customer service and it is central to everything that we do, couple this with the trusted Jim’s brand and it is a win-win for customers and franchisees alike.

Jim’s Dog Wash is seeing very significant trends during the last 12 months, mostly due to the busy lifestyle of our clientele:

  • Increased demand for mobile grooming services as time poor owners want to fit grooming in with their busy lifestyles;
  • The most increased jobs for Jim’s Dog Wash was specific breed style grooms; and
  • Continued success for Franchisees in the Jim’s Dog Wash

The biggest benefit of being part of the Jim’s Dog Wash brand is that franchisees can achieve their financial and lifestyle goals at the same time, with many opportunities for those that want to build a career. Many franchisees have taken the plunge in 2022 into running additional trailers, with some now running multiple trailers and even putting down the tools to manage their employees.

Jims Dog Wash is anticipating a busy 12 months ahead with recruitment occurring in all states of Australia and New Zealand to keep up with the surge in customer enquiries.

CEO of Jim’s Group, Jim Penman, said he attributes recent growth to an increased focus on outstanding customer service, with automated review and feedback systems.

Recent improvements in customer service are driven by heavy investments in IT. Jim’s Group now spends more than $1 million dollars per year on software development to increase efficiency and improve service to customers and Franchisees.

Increased customer demand is even more remarkable given:

  • Franchisees are encouraged not to compete locally on price;
  • Customer surveys suggest that around 75% of leads result in work being done; and
  • Advertising is being scaled back. In some areas, the advertising contribution of around $200 per month has to be given back to the Franchisees because it is simply not needed.

Of the existing 250 Franchisees, the age range varies from 20 to 73 years of age and includes people from myriad backgrounds and cultures. During 2022 there has been growing interest in owning a franchise from two distinct groups of people:

  • Those who are familiar with earning good incomes but finding themselves less employable as they reach their late 40s or early 50s; and
  • People who simply want an independent and balanced lifestyle with more family time. Though the average Franchise income is around $100,000 per annum (Jim’s Group does not record what Franchisees earn), top Franchisees can earn into the millions.

To enquire about booking a Jim’s Dog Wash service or becoming a franchisee, please visit https://jimsdogwash.info/ 

Dog’s Separation Anxiety And What To Do

Dog’s Separation Anxiety And What To Do

February 16, 2023

Dogs are social animals and they love us and want to be with us all the time. Often they don’t understand that we are coming back when we leave.

Some dogs can become distressed when they are left alone, demonstrated by digging, destructive chewing, barking and howling.

Separation anxiety in your pooch can be a very challenging behaviour issue, particularly if your dog is destructive when you aren’t home but it’s important to remember that your dog isn’t trying to punish you for leaving, it’s part of a panic response and they just want you to come home!

The main goal of managing anxiety is to teach your dog to be calm and relaxed when you aren’t at home.

Here are our quick tips on managing a dog with anxiety:

  1. Leave and return home quietly, without making a fuss. Try to ignore your dog for 15 minutes before leaving and waiting until your dog has calmed down upon your return. You can practice this routine to help desensitise by only leaving for a few minutes
  2. Ensure that you are providing sufficient exercise
  3. Leave your dog with recently worn clothes that smell like you
  4. Establish a word command that you use every time that you leave so that your dog understands that you will be back
  5. There are many products that you can purchase to reduce fearfulness
  6. Create a safe place for your dog to limit the destructive behaviour while you are away
  7. Do not punish your dog for separation anxiety, this can compound the problem
  8. Visit the vet if the behaviour suddenly appears to ensure that it’s not caused by an underlying medical issue.
Why Do Our Dogs Lick Us?

Why Do Our Dogs Lick Us?

February 16, 2023

The simple reason is because they love us and want to show affection.

Mother dogs will lick their puppies and dogs instinctively learn early on to lick as a sign of affection. Licking is the way that dogs offer comfort, show closeness and bond with family members.

As well as communicating how much they care about you, licking releases dopamine and endorphins, making your pup feel relaxed, calm and happy.

Unfortunately, just like humans, pups can become too dependent on the endorphin rush and lick obsessively. This may be a sign of underlying health issues or it could mean that your pup has anxiety, is bored or frightened. If it is a new thing, it might be a good idea to have your pup checked over by a vet to be sure there isn’t a health reason for the change. Redirection is a good way to take their focus from licking in a positive way.

Your pup licking their own wound can be helpful for them as their saliva has antibacterial properties. Licking also helps in the removal of dead tissue and dirt from the wounds. Your dog will want to lick your wound as well instinctually, but even the healthiest dog has bacteria that can affect humans and may cause the wound to become infected and should not be encouraged.

Your pup licking you may also be to communicate their hunger. Puppies lick their mothers to communicate that they are hungry and it might be that your pup is hungry and wants to eat.

If the lick is intense, your pup might be trying to tell you something important and it might be a good idea to have a look around and make sure they have everything that they need.

Expressing Anal Glands: The Good, The Bad and the Super Smelly

Expressing Anal Glands: The Good, The Bad and the Super Smelly

January 19, 2023

Anal glands are the scent glands located on both sides of a dog’s rectum. As the poop passes out of the rectum, it pushes against the glands releasing a smelly secretion. These glands are believed to be primarily for scent marking.

Dogs can also express this gland when they are frightened as the scent released is also a defence mechanism to distract an attacker.

When your dog poops, these glands will generally express themselves naturally.

Most of the time, your dog won’t need any help from you, but some dogs aren’t able to express them naturally, the material then builds up in the glands causing increased pressure.

If this happens, your pup may need intervention.

How To Tell If The Glands Need Expressing?

Our groomers are often asked to routinely express anal glands. We recommend leaving them alone if they are not causing problems.

Generally, if your dogs nutritional needs are being met they will express themselves and should not need any human intervention at all.

Routine expression is unnecessary and can cause long term issues for your pup.

If you notice your dog scooting (dragging their butt across the floor or ground) it might mean that they have an issue with expressing their anal glands.

If the anal glands don’t empty properly, they can swell up and cause discomfort for your dog.

If the glands are already full, they may leak (you will know if they are because the smell is very pungent). You may also see brownish material where your dog has been sitting.

If the glands become too full, it can lead to infection, abscesses or even a rupture, which requires surgery

Why Does It Happen

  • Your dog’s stools aren’t firm enough. Soft poop doesn’t express the anal glands
  • Your dog is constipated. If there is no poop, the glands can’t express
  • The glands aren’t located where they should be and your dog is unable to express them naturally
  • Your dog is overweight

Where To Get Anal Glands Expressed

Most issues can be solved by manually expressing the glands. All vets and some groomers can express anal glands or alternatively, you can learn to do it yourself.

If it is a new thing, it’s a good idea to first see your vet to make sure that the anal glands aren’t infected and to check on the cause.

How Often To Express

Expressing anal glands varies between dogs, some never need their glands expressed at all. Monitoring and looking for signs (such as scooting) will let you know if it needs to be done. It should only ever be done on an “as needed” basis.

Expressing too frequently can cause irritation and damage the tissues, which can lead to scar tissue blocking the ducts.


Prevention is always better, so it’s important to ensure that your pup has a healthy diet.

Just like humans, dogs are healthiest when they aren’t overweight and have regular exercise. Make sure your pup has plenty of drinking water as dehydration can also lead to constipation

Ensure that your dog is getting enough fibre in their diet. There are many commercially available fibre supplements that you can add to your dogs meals, or you can try high fibre veggies to their meals, such as:

  • Wheatgerm
  • Flaxseed
  • Carrots
  • Broccoli
  • Kale
  • Kelp
  • Pumpkin
  • Apples

If your pup continues to struggle with anal gland issues, you should make a visit to your local vet to be sure there are no underlying causes.


Minimising Stress For Your Dog During Christmas Celebrations

Minimising Stress For Your Dog During Christmas Celebrations

December 1, 2022

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! While pets are part of our family and we want to involve them as much as possible, a busy house full of guests, strange smells, decorations and food can all be harmful and stressful for your pup.

We have put together these few tips to make sure you and your pet have a happy Christmas!

  1. Exercise your pets before guests arrive so they will be tired out and hopefully they will nap through all the visitors. This will also help to reduce their stress when visitors do arrive
  2. Create a safe space for your pets if they need a break, especially if there are boisterous children or a lot of noise that your dog isn’t used to.
  3. Don’t leave food unattended when your dogs are around. Christmas foods are some of the most dangerous for pets, alcohol, avocado, chocolates, Christmas puddings, grapes, hams, lollies, onions, macadamia nuts and cooked bones are to be avoided
  4. Keep your Christmas decorations out of reach as baubles and glass ornaments can look like fun things to play with. Candy canes and other edible decorations can also pose a risk.
  5. Wrapping paper, ribbons and plastics should be cleaned immediately as they can cause choking hazards
  6. Pup friendly Christmas treats can be made yourself or purchased commercially. You should always avoid rawhide as they are often filled with chemicals and can become lodged in your pup’s intestines
Pet Care During The Holiday Season

Pet Care During The Holiday Season

December 1, 2022

With Christmas fast approaching, you might be planning a holiday which means making plans for your pets during this time as well.

There are many options for holiday care and the best ones will depend on your needs, the temperament of your pets, how long you are going and where.

Pet Friendly Holidays

Dogs generally travel very well and it could be a viable option to take your pup with you. You will need to check that the accommodation is pet friendly, as well as there being a safe environment such as secure fencing, access to shade and places to toilet.

If you are planning on taking your pets, you will need to ensure that you have a safe means of transporting them. You might need a travel harness or a secure cage. It’s dangerous to have unsecured animals in your car. They can distract the driver and can be injured if there is an accident, further in some states there are laws against having unsecured pets in cars that could mean risking your license.

You should also consider:

  • Portable crate or an enclosure
  • Travel bedding
  • Water bowls
  • Enough food for the trip
  • Medications
  • Toys and treats
  • Ensure microchip is up to date and a collar with your phone number
  • Take a copy of your pets vaccination details and insurance policy if applicable

Boarding Kennels

Boarding kennels are a popular option for holiday pet care. There are many different options for accommodation and its worthwhile touring the facilities beforehand to find the right one for you and your pets.

Confident and outgoing dogs will enjoy staying at a boarding kennel, but if your pet is introverted or anxious it might be better to look at a quieter environment, such as in home care or a smaller facility.

If you can, try to send your pet’s food with them as the sudden change of food can contribute to your pet’s anxiety about being separated from you and cause stomach upsets.

You can also consider sending items with your pet from home that might help to comfort them, but be sure to check with the staff.

Pop In Visits

Sometimes staying home is the best option for your pet. They can stay home in their own environment, and they don’t have to deal with unfamiliar animals and places. As an added bonus, you will have someone popping in to keep and eye on your house.

Cats are generally happier being looked after in their own home and aren’t usually big fans of travel or being exposed to other cats. Finding a reliable carer to come to your home will likely suit cats best.

Dogs, on the other hand may not like being left at home, however you can organise a walking service as well to get them out for some socialisation as well.

It’s important to provide very clear instructions around feeding, letting in/letting out times so that your pets keep in the closest routine as possible while you are away.

In Home Care

Another option is to arrange for a house sitter who will care for your pets as well. Your home will be taken care of as well as your pets. You can ask on social media for recommendations or speak to family and friends to source a trusted person.

Holiday Tips:

  • Be sure to stock up on any medication to last the holiday and for long enough after you return until you can stock up again.
  • Make sure whoever is caring for your pet is aware of the medical needs as well as contact numbers for your vet as well as a trusted friend who can make decisions if you aren’t contactable.
  • Make sure your pet’s vaccinations, worming and flea treatments are up to date.
  • Consider a pre holiday trip to the groomers and to the vets to make sure your pet is healthy and up to date.
  • Always leave clear instructions about what food and how much your pet should be fed
Are Dogs Colour Blind?

Are Dogs Colour Blind?

November 11, 2022

Have you ever wondered how your dog sees the world? Do dogs see in black and white or are they colour blind?

We all have light receptors in our eyes called Rods and Cones. Rods help us to detect motion and cones help us to differentiate between colours

In humans, colour blindness occurs when there is an abnormality in the colour receptors, or cones. People with colour blindness (depending on which cone is affected) may not be able to differentiate between red and green or blue and yellow.

Humans have three cones in their eyes, dogs on the other hand only have two. Humans can identify three colour variations (red, blue and green) while dogs can only identify two (yellow and blue).

This means that our dogs can see yellow and blue colours really well, but cannot differentiate between red and green.

Technically, this means dogs are colour blind (compared to human) but in reality, dogs just have one less colour receptor than we do. They do see the colours; they just cannot see the reds and greens the way we do.

Dog’s eyes have adapted to allow them to live and survive in the wild. Their eyes are set on the sides of their head to give them an increased peripheral vision, they also have far more Rods in their eyes, allowing them to see moving objects in dim light better than humans.

Rods are more sensitive to shape, movement and dim light and dogs have 10-20 times greater motion sensitivity than humans.

Dogs also have a layer of eye tissue called the tapetum lucidum that reflects light into the retina heling them to see better at night time and why dogs eyes shine in the dark.

For dogs, their dominant sense is smell, followed by hearing and then sight, so it’s no great loss for dogs to miss out on the reds and greens in the world. They rely more on their other senses, which are far more powerful than humans, particularly their incredible sense of smell, that lets them see the world better than we ever could.



Jim’s Dog Wash – Common Dog Poop Issues And What To Do About Them

Jim’s Dog Wash – Common Dog Poop Issues And What To Do About Them

October 18, 2022

What we poop is generally a direct result of what we eat and the biggest cause of poop problems in our dogs is because they have eaten something that they shouldn’t.

Here are out top poop problems in dogs and the solutions:

Watery Poo

There are many causes for poop puddles but a few of the more common causes are:

  • Vets recommend a gradual shift in diet if you are changing over food, as a sudden change can cause an upset tummy. If you are changing foods, try starting with 10% of the new food mixed with the previous food to gradually change over to help your dog’s tummy get used to it
  • If your dog has eaten something that doesn’t agree with them, try eliminating anything unusual and monitoring poop changes as you reintroduce each food
  • Stress can often cause bowel changes in dogs, just like humans. In this instance a “wait and see” approach is advised. Give it a few days and see if the poop situation improves on it’s own
  • If the diarrhea continues, it’s best to visit the vets to get a check


Constipation is caused by very hard poop and it can be very painful to watch as your dog strains to poop.

  • One of the most common causes of constipation is Dehydration. This can be from not having enough water available or when your pup eats solely a dry kibble diet. While the kibble contains all the vitamins your pup needs, it’s also very dry, so adding water to the kibble to soften it up can help as well as making sure that there is always clean drinking water available.
  • Lack of grooming can also cause constipation, if the fur in your pup’s back end is matted, pooping can be very difficult. If there is a bit of a mess “back there” it might be time to organise grooming
  • Dogs that don’t exercise enough can also have hard poop, which can be difficult to pass. Try increasing the exercise for your pup to see if it improves
  • More seriously, constipation can be caused by an infection or something caught in the intestinal tract. If you have ruled out all of the common causes then a visit to your vet is recommended

Too Much Poop

  • Large amounts of poop are usually caused by a diet of processed kibbles. Kibble contains high amounts of carbohydrates and fibre. Higher levels of carbs and fibre mean more poop!
  • If too much poop is causing a problem, you can try mixing up the diet with raw or dehydrated food

Smelly Poop

  • Generally, dogs eating kibble tend to have stinkier poop because the high amount of grain and starches.
  • You can try changing to a grain free kibble or trying an occasional raw or dehydrated option if you find the poop is just too stinky.


If your dog’s poop looks slimy it could be due to an inflamed colon or an inflammation somewhere in their tummy. This will generally settle down on it’s own however, there are also a number of parasites that can cause this.

A “wait and see” approach for slimy poop is only recommended for 1-2 days at the most. If there is still mucus or slimy coating on the poop, a vet visit is recommended.


There are a couple of non-threatening causes of blood in your pup’s poop. The first could be that the poop is hard and caused an abrasion, but more seriously it could be parasites or worms. If the blood is still evident after 2-3 more poops, it’s a good idea to collect a sample and visit your vet to make sure.

If you aren’t sure, or there is something in your dog’s poop that you are worried about, you should always check with your vet

Jim’s Dog Wash – Top Tips To Keep Your Pup Cool This Summer!

Jim’s Dog Wash – Top Tips To Keep Your Pup Cool This Summer!

October 18, 2022

Our dogs love to please us and will happily run with us as we hike, walk and jog – even on the hottest days, so it’s up to us to make sure that we monitor our pups carefully for overheating, or in extreme cases, heatstroke

The easiest way to tell if your dog is heating up is to check through their breathing. Dogs pant to cool down and if they are panting excessively, it’s a sure sign that they need to cool off!

Here are our top Ten tips:

  1. Drinking Water

It’s important that your dog always has a plentiful supply of fresh, cool drinking water. If you will be out all day, a good tip is to freeze a container of water and put it out in the morning so it slowly defrosts and provides a supply of cool water throughout the day.

  1. Play Toys

You could try freezing a treat or vegetable into a frozen block of water. Alternatively, Lickimats or a Kong treats can be frozen overnight. Not only will they cool your pup down but will also give them some play activity time.

  1. A wet dog is a cool dog!

Playing in water can lower a dog’s temperature when it’s hot. A shallow pool or running through sprinklers will cool them down and give them a new activity at the same time. You only need to provide enough water so that they can get their paws and belly wet, anything deeper than this needs supervision.

  1. Provide Shade

Dogs will always look for the coolest spot to lay down, if there isn’t enough shade you can create some with an umbrella, canopy or even a string of tarp

  1. Cool Beds

You can try placing a frozen icepack in your dog’s bedding to keep them cool. There are also dog beds available commercially that come in many different sizes and are made from heavy duty plastic. The beds are filled with a cooling gel and is great for older dogs.

  1. Wet Towels

A towel, drenched in water will and draped over your dog will get them pup cool in a hurry

  1. Avoid Midday Heat

Let your pup stay indoors or in a cool area to sit out the hottest part of the day. You may need to adjust your routines, but an early morning or late evening walk will mean that you miss the heat.

  1. Avoid Hot Footpaths and Roads

A great way to assess the footpath or road is to place your hand on the surface to check the temperature. If it’s too hot for your hand then it’s too hot for your dog’s bare paws

  1. Travelling With Dogs

Road trips in summer are the best, but often the air-conditioning doesn’t reach your dog in the back of the car and they can be in direct sun through the windows. You should ensure that there is a shade or panel on the windows and that there is enough airflow to keep your dog cool while you are travelling.

  1. Car Parks

Never leave your dog in a parked car. Even on a cool day, the temperature in your car can reach dangerous levels very quickly.

Check For Overheating

Keep an eye on your pup to check if they are showing signs of overheating or heatstroke. Early signs of heatstroke include heavy panting and rapid breathing, excessive salivation and drooling, bright red gums and tongue as well as showing discomfort or disorientation. If your dog shows any of these signs, take steps immediately to cool them down.

If you are unable to lower your dog’s temperature or their condition worsens, take them to a vet immediately.

Spring Cleaning – Our Top Tips To Get Your Pooch Ready For Summer

Spring Cleaning – Our Top Tips To Get Your Pooch Ready For Summer

September 7, 2022

Spring is here and it’s time to get rid of that winter coat that kept your pup warm throughout the cold weather. You’ll probably have already noticed the piles of dog hair on your clothes and furniture if you have a dog that sheds so you know it’s time for a Spring Clean!

Non shedding dogs are at a greater risk of matts as the weather warms up. Matts can be extremely painful, cutting the blood supply to the area or causing hotspots and a spring clean for your pooch to prepare them for summer is a must.

Here are our top Spring time tips to have your pup ready for Summer:

  1. Brushing your dog daily will help prevent painful knots and matts from forming. If your pup is double coated, regular brushing will remove the dead coat and help the circulation on the outer layer promoting healthier skin. You can use a brush or a comb designed for the breed. Be sure to brush the fur in the direction that the hair grows and if you come across tangles or mats, forcing a brush through can very painful. It’s very important not to use scissors as the mats may be tighter than you think or have the skin caught up in them, and you can easily cut your pet
  2. Regular bathing is important at any time, but it’s more so during spring because pollen and other allergens can be most active. Before bathing you should make sure that you have brushed the coat thoroughly to remove any dead hair or matts as the washing process will make the knots tighter and harder to remove
  3. Nails should be clipped regularly, try doing your pup’s whenever you do your own. If you are hesitant you can try a nail file between grooming visits
  4. Keeping your pup’s coat shorter in summer will keep them cooler as the weather heats up, it will also make it easier to see insect bites, ticks and skin irritations and to be able to treat them. If your pup is double coated, regular deshedding will remove the undercoat and keep them more comfortable during summer.
  5. Dogs cool down and regulate their body temperatures by panting and sweating through their paws. As the weater heats up, dogs have a harder time cooling down so keeping their paws trimmed and short will help them to stay cooler. Summer also means a lot more outdoor activities and your pup’s paws can become quickly matted while also hiding dirt, sticks and other objects that can create discomfort.
  6. As you prepare for the summer months, don’t forget that your dog also needs to stay protected from the sun, especially if their fur is trimmed short! You can purchase pet approved sunscreen from your local pet suppliers to keep your pup protected from the sun.

If you are uncomfortable undertaking any part of the grooming process, you can call our experts at Jim’s Dog Wash who can have your pup looking their best! Call us today on 131546

How To Clip Dog’s Nails at Home

How To Clip Dog’s Nails at Home

August 9, 2022

There are several important steps to clip your dog’s nails. They include preparing your dog for the clipping process, using scissor-style clippers, and dealing with the dog quickly. If you’re a beginner, read this article before trying it on your own dog. It will help you decide what tools are right for your dog’s nails and how to keep them clean.

If you want a visual tutorial, then watch the below video about how to clip small dogs’ nails or read the blog till the end.



How often do I need to trim my dog’s nails?

As a responsible pet owner, you should trim your dog’s nails on a regular basis. You can cut your dog’s nails once a month, depending on their breed and level of activity. A senior dog or one that does not exercise often will need its nails trimmed more frequently. If you’re in a hurry to get your pet to the groomer, you should schedule an appointment a few days before.

Can I cut my dog’s nails myself?

Trimming a dog’s nail is an easy task if you own a nail cutter or trimmer. However, it’s not always a pleasant task for both of you. A dog’s nails contain blood vessels and cutting them accidentally can cause pain and discomfort for both of you. If you’re not comfortable doing this yourself, consider bringing your pet to a local professional groomer or veterinarian for assistance.

Cutting your dog’s nails has many health benefits

One reason to cut your dog’s nails is to prevent quicking. A quick is a blood vessel that runs through the nail. A quick is usually visible to the naked eye, but dark nails can hide it. You need to be careful to avoid cutting this vein, as it can lead to bleeding. In case you’re unsure, start clipping slowly and try to look inside the nail to identify the quick. If you can see a white bulb at the tip of the nail, you’re on the right track. Stop trimming the nail when the blood vessels retract.

Besides the health benefits of trimming a dog’s nails, it also helps the animal walk more comfortably. It also prevents infection and painful nail beds. The best time to clip a dog’s nails is every four to six weeks. You should also train your dog to obey basic commands, keep dangerous toxins out of reach, and monitor your dog’s activities. So, can you cut your dog’s nails?


  • Nail clippers designed for dogs
  • Safe space
  • Distractions (their favourite toy or favourite person)
  • Treats
  • Tissues


1) Identifying the quick

Identifying the quick is a critical first step in the nail-cutting process. Dog nails are soft and light-coloured, and you can easily identify the quick by looking inside the nail. The centre of the nail is called the quick. A small black spot will appear in the centre of the nail. Then, press gently on the nail to cut down to the quick. When you see this, you must stop cutting the nail.

Identifying the quick will also help you determine the length of your dog’s nail. You can easily cut a small dog’s nails by using a pair of nail clippers in your arms. If your dog is large, however, you must be more cautious and clip their nails gradually. If you are unsure of how long to clip your dog’s nails, then continue reading this tutorial.

Aside from painful, short nails can also lead to deformities in the nails, which can require surgery or physical rehabilitation. In the worst-case scenario, your dog could end up with ongoing pain or even disfigurement. If you’re thinking about cutting your dog’s nails, remember that the nail is a blood vessel and contains nerves. There’s no point in trying to cut a dog’s nails short if they’re in pain – it’s better to address it slowly.

How To Clip your Dog's Nails at Home

2) Preparing your dog for nail clipping

Performing nail clipping on your dog can be a frightening experience for the two of you. Therefore, making sure that you and your dog are mentally prepared can greatly benefit the process.

Before clipping the nails, make sure you have all the tools needed for the job. Make sure you have a noiseless clipper and use it when clipping your dog’s nails. A Dremel tool or sandpaper can be used to trim down the nail. Be sure to supervise your dog during the procedure and reward him with a treat for his cooperation. Remember, dogs are sensitive, and their feet are very delicate.

how to clip dog nails

3) Prepare your tools

Scissor-style clippers are the most common and widely available. This type of clipper uses special notch blades to cut the tip of the dog’s nail. These clippers are ideal for small dogs, but larger dogs should use a different type. Using scissor-style clippers on your dog’s nails is a good idea only if you’re confident in your ability to handle the task.

Scissor-style clippers have blades ranging from 3 to 5 mm. Thick blades are better for clipping smaller dogs because they don’t have thick nails. However, if you’re using a scissor-style clipper on a large dog, you risk breaking the blade! As with any surgical procedure, make sure to keep plenty of treats nearby, so that your dog doesn’t get scared by the tools.

4) Start clipping 

Once you have your dog in a comfortable position, tools, and treats in arms reach, you can start the clipping process. Have your dog facing you, lift the leg and flip it so their paw is facing the roof. For the back legs, you can put your hand underneath to raise the hind paw. This gives you more control of the dog whilst you are clipping

As you are clipping, make sure to only cut off 2-3mm at a time. This gives you the opportunity to assess each nail so that you don’t accidentally hit the quick.

If your dog has a dew claw, it is important to also maintain them. You can find them at the bottom of the paw hidden underneath the fur.

5) Stop bleeding if you clip the quick

If you accidentally cut the quick, bleeding can occur, and your dog may cry out in pain. Don’t panic as it may escalate your dog’s mood and cause unnecessary injury. Instead, grab some tissue and apply it to the nail for a few minutes. If you have any bleeding powder, apply it to the wound and continue covering it with tissue. If you have not stopped the bleeding after 10 minutes, then you may need to call your vet.

6) Reward your pup

Once it is over, make sure to reward your dog. This allows them to make an association in their mind that it is a pleasurable experience, making it easier each time.

Trimming your dog’s nails can be a stressful experience. But with more and more practice, you and your dogs will be experts in no time. If you want to learn more about dealing with your dog’s maintenance, then just call  your local Jim’s grooming experts. They have the tools and expertise to help advise you on how you can keep your dog happy and healthy at home. Get in touch today at 131 546 or enquire online today!

Top Tips For Taking Care of Your Dog’s Teeth

Top Tips For Taking Care of Your Dog’s Teeth

March 29, 2022

Just like humans, dogs are also susceptible to dental disease and regular brushing, it is also preventable.

Plaque is a layer of saliva, food, and bacteria that form a layer on our teeth. A build-up of plaque can develop into tartar and if left untreated can cause painful gum disease, infections, tooth loss, and can also risk of bacteria building up in other parts of the body, causing serious health issues.

The best way to remove plaque is to brush your dogs’ teeth regularly. Occasional brushing won’t get rid of tartar, but it will stop the plaque from building up.

Brushing teeth should always be a fun and positive experience so your pup enjoys the process.  Ideally, you should start while when they are puppies so that it is a familiar routine, but it’s never too late to introduce this important health routine.

Here are our top tips on tooth brushing from home:

Tooth Brushes

There are many different types of tooth brushes that you can use, ranging from traditional looking toothbrushes to finger brushes, which slide onto your fingers. Dog toothbrushes tend to be smaller and have softer bristles so children’s toothbrushes can also be used to help you get into all the parts of your dog’s mouth


You should never use human toothpaste as they contain many ingredients that aren’t made for dogs. There are so many different types of toothpastes available and you can purchase from your vets, pet store or pet supply store. The important thing is that they fight plaque and tartar. Your pup will be happy as most are very appealing and come in flavours such as chicken and beef.

Getting Comfortable

Familiarising your dog with all the different parts of toothbrushing beforehand will teach them not to be afraid. To test your dog’s willingness, you can start by touching your pup’s mouth and running your fingers along the outside of the gums to get them used to you touching their mouth and teeth. Once you are confident at this stage, you can then progress to touching their teeth and gums, try doing this for a few days before actually using the toothbrush


Give your pup a taste of the toothpaste from your finger, then you can progress to letting them eat off the toothbrush, again this will help familiarise them with the tastes and tools that you will be using

Right Time

Choose the right time to brush your dogs’ teeth, it should be when you are both relaxed. Try getting down to their level so you aren’t standing over them or in a threatening stance and use the toothbrush in small, gentle circles. Your goal is to set a routine and working on daily brushing is the most ideal, but even three times a day can make a real difference.

Starting Out

Start out with the easiest teeth to reach until they become more confident with the process. Lift the upper lip and brush inside and out of all surfaces in a circular motion.

End On A Positive Note

Try to stop while everyone is still having fun, even if you don’t get all the teeth brushed for the first few times. Make sure you praise and reward your dog after each session.



Hygiene Tips To Keep Your Pet Healthy

Hygiene Tips To Keep Your Pet Healthy

February 28, 2022

We love our pets, but with their unconditional love comes fur, dirt and dander. While we are busy cleaning the obvious messes, sometimes the smaller things get missed.

Being diligent about keeping our pets healthy goes further than the obvious cleaning of the dirt and here are our top tips on how to keep your pup healthy!



Make sure you remember to keep your pup’s bedding clean. Not only does dirty bedding smell, but it can be a breeding ground for fleas, ticks and other parasites.

You can vacuum between washes to clean up hair, dirt and dander but monthly washes with a mild, fragrance-free detergent is recommended. The water temperature should be as high as possible to ensure any parasites are removed.


Food and Water Bowls

When a dog eats or drinks from their bowls, saliva can transmit bacteria and can cause illness. Food bowls should be washed after every meal.

Water bowls should be washed every day, with fresh water replaced. Mould can accumulate very easily and can lead to gastrointestinal issues.


Back Yard

Picking up dog poo is our least favourite activity and should be done regularly to ensure that the yard is clean and healthy for your family as well as your pooch.

Back yards can also build up with junk that gets washed or blown in to the yard and some rubbish like old chip packets or old bones can be very harmful. Regular patrols of your pack yard to check for anything harmful to your pet is highly recommended

Keeping the lawns short will help you spot any rubbish before your pup finds it as well as deterring snakes and other things that could be harmful

Pet Toys

Toys go directly in your dog’s mouth and can attract coliform, bacteria, yeast and mould, these can cause skin infections and gastrointestinal problems.

Pet toys should be cleaned regularly. You can hand wash or put them in the machine to keep out any germs.

Food Storage

Dry dog food can become contaminated with Salmonella, and if transmitted to humans this can cause severe illness.

Dry food should be stored in airtight containers and should not be stored outside or in garages where rodents may contaminate with faeces or parasites. Wet food should be refrigerated after opening.

Collars and Leads

Collars and leads are worn all the time and it’s important that they are washed frequently. A dirty collar can harbour skin sores and infections.



Our Top Tips On How To Make Your Dog More Comfortable With Grooming

Our Top Tips On How To Make Your Dog More Comfortable With Grooming

January 11, 2022

So many of our customers complain that their dogs hate being brushed or having their nails clipped and who wouldn’t hate having a whole bunch of unfamiliar tools on sensitive parts, or strangers pulling and tugging on your hair when you’re in a weird smelling unfamiliar place.

It’s really important that your dog sees grooming as a fun and positive experience. If your dog is stressed or anxious at the groomers it can become a negative cycle. The more stressed your dog is, the more difficult the groom is for them, compounding the fear and anxiety.

There’s no reason that your dog can’t learn to love the grooming process and we have put together our top tips to introduce positive associations for your dog to grooming


You can start your puppy out on the right track from the very beginning by helping them to become accustomed to being handled. You can help your puppy by regularly touching and patting the sensitive areas such as their muzzle, ears, paws and tail.

If they are particularly sensitive you can try gradually working towards the area and rewarding them with a treat.


A good tip before introducing the brush is to let them make friends with the brush first. You can start by placing the brush on the ground and putting treats on it. Once they are comfortable, you can then touch them with the brush in the sensitive areas without brushing, while being positive and encouraging (treats always helps too).

Brushing your pup regularly will help them become more accustomed to the process, but it will also ensure that the grooming process is a more positive experience. Your groomer won’t have as many painful knots and matts to brush out that hurt your pooch.

Nail Clipping

Just like with the brush, you can help your dog get used to the nail clippers too first by placing treats on the clippers and allowing your dog to check them out first. You can then continue the process by tapping your dog’s feet with the nail clippers and providing positive words or treats when they don’t react

Strange Places

Pups can be frightened of different environments, particularly a grooming trailer with all the different sights, noises and smells. Regular visits will ensure that your pup is familiar with the environment to help make it a positive experience.

Regular Grooming

Try to keep on top of regular grooming appointments so that your dog doesn’t get to a point where they have knots and matts that are painful to remove.

Dogs that aren’t groomed regularly will need more than the normal maintenance groom, which can be painful, uncomfortable and stressful, creating a cycle of negative associations.

Bad Habits

If you have an older pup that is reacting fearfully at the groomer, it’s not too late! You can work with your groomer to try to make it a more positive experience. Regular brushing and regular visits to the groomer will help them get used to being handled in places where they are most sensitive (treats can help).


The tone of your voice when you discuss grooming is also important. If your dog is reacting in a nervous way, try to refrain from apologising and show enthusiasm and excitement, they will feed off your behaviour. Confidence is contagious and you are doing something wonderful for your pup and helping them to stay clean and healthy.

Positive Associations

It’s very important to never scold or discipline your dog for not behaving when they are being groomed. If your pup is frightened and misbehaving, being scolded by their favourite person will create more negative associations.

A positive and encouraging approach along with a regular grooming schedule will help your pup to be less anxious and stressed when it comes time for grooming.

How To Include Your Dog In Christmas Celebrations

How To Include Your Dog In Christmas Celebrations

November 25, 2021

Our pets are part of our family and why shouldn’t we spoil them at Christmas time? No matter what your plans are over Christmas, it’s important that we can include our pets to make it a fun holiday for everyone.

We have some great ideas how you can include your pup in your Christmas celebrations:

Santa Photos

This is one of the favourites. Ask a friend to be a photographer (or hire one) and take some family portraits to remember the festive season and your furry friends. Add a Santa hat or a Christmas bow for your pooch to wear to make it extra Christmassy!

Dress Up Time

There are so many cute Christmas themed pup outfits and accessories for your pooch to wear, alternatively you can make your own using a red or green t-shirt and decorate it with ribbons and glitter. Make sure you cut the hole big enough at the neck and arms so it’s not too tight


Everyone loves presents and giving gifts doesn’t have to be limited to the human family. Your pup will love a special gift. You can make a stocking, or wrap up treats to go under the tree on Christmas morning


The best part of Christmas is all of the food! You can include your pup by cooking up dog friendly treats. Cheesy bites, tuna or dog biscuits are a fun option so they can feast while you are. Check out our recipe below for Minty Carob Christmas cookies to help freshen your pups breath


Take a photo of your pooch, put it in a small frame and you can use it as Christmas decorations on your tree. There are lots of craft stores that sell small decorations that you can glue onto the frame to make it extra festive

Christmas Cards

Don’t forget to include your pup in Christmas cards. Dress up in a Christmas themed photo and send to friends and family to wish them a merry Christmas


Extra time off work during the festive season means extra walks and playtime than normal. More than any gifts or food, your pup will appreciate extra time with their favourite human

Minty Carob Christmas Biscuits

2 Cups of fresh mint leaves, finely chopped

1.5 cups of plain flour

1 egg

¼ cup of low salt chicken broth

½ cup of carob chips (do not use chocolate as it’s toxic to dogs)


Mix the mint and flour. Form a valley in the centre of the mixture.

Crack the egg and put it in the centre.

Use a fork to gradually mix.

Pour the chicken broth over the top and mix it up to form a sticky dough.

Put the dough into a zip-lock bag or seal it in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for at least one hour.

Roll the dough out with a rolling pin to a thickness of 1/8- to 1/2-inch.

Use your Christmas cookie cutters to cut the dough into fun Christmas shapes.

Bake at 350 degrees for 3 to 5 minutes or until the biscuits are firm.

Let the biscuits cool while you melt the carob chips in the microwave

Dip each biscuit into the melted carob mix and leave on wax paper to set

Biscuits can be stored in the fridge


Will Your Dog Speak This Christmas?

Will Your Dog Speak This Christmas?

November 23, 2021

Christmas is a magical time where anything is possible. Reindeer fly across the skies; magical elves work away in the South Pole and a man in a red suit flies all around the world delivering presents. Across most of Europe, there is a legend that this one magical night of the year is when our animals gain the ability to speak.

It’s believed that it stems from the belief that Jesus was born at midnight on Christmas eve. When the ox and the donkey in the nativity stable bowed down to celebrate the birth, God gave them the ability to speak so that they could sing praise for the miracle.

The legend states that the animals spoke excitedly the moment Jesus was born, but when the shepherds arrived the animals stopped and went back to normal. The only humans who heard them were Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus.

Listening for the animals to talk has long been a tradition, and farmers are known to check in on their stables at midnight and children sneak out of their beds at 11:59 to hear their pets talking.

In Norway, animals talk to feed information to Santa Claus (or St Nick). If the children of the house have been kind to their animals they are rewarded with gifts at Christmas.

Other thoughts are that the myth of talking animals began in the ancient Roma Festival of Saturnalia. During the week-long festival, roles are reversed and masters served their slaves and animals were able to speak at the stroke of midnight.

Many of our Christmas traditions, like wreaths and mistletoe have pagan roots and the tradition of animals speaking at midnight could also be a leftover belief from that time, appropriated by the modern Christian celebration of Christmas.

Personally, I believe that animals are talking to us all the time, but wouldn’t it be amazing if for one night we could have a conversation with our pooches on Christmas Eve?

What do you think your pooch would say to you?

Maintaining Your Dog’s Coat Between Grooms

Maintaining Your Dog’s Coat Between Grooms

October 18, 2021

You can always tell a dog owner by the amount of hair on their clothes, their furniture and on their floors!

What if we told you it didn’t have to be that way?

Brushing really is the key!

Brushing your dog regularly cuts down the amount of shedding you have to deal with on your clothing and furniture but regular brushing also helps your pooch to stay healthy!

Brushing also helps to distribute healthy natural skin oils over the hair shaft, promoting a shiny coat and helping dirt to slide off the hair. This can also help to reduce the need to bath and therefore reduce the frequency of bathing.

As your pup ages, they’ll also get a couple of lumps and bumps. Regular grooming will help you pick up any thing that isn’t normal a lot earlier

Regular brushing also helps your double coated dog regulate their own temperatures in the warmer months with the removal of excess fur.

You can purchase a good undercoat rake or a Furminator from your local pet store, alternatively you can chat with you Jim’s Dog Wash and Grooming expert and they can give you advice about which is the best brush for your pooch.

Dogs that don’t shed, still lose hair however it stays in their coats and can cause very painful matts if they aren’t removed. Regular brushing between grooms, even for short hair pups is always recommended to keep their coat and skin healthy, however a slicker brush or a comb is generally enough to maintain the coats between grooming.

Brushing and grooming are activities that help to strengthen the positive relationship bond between dogs and their owners. Brushing should be a pleasant and comfortable experience for dogs and owners and helps form a bond between you both!

Stopping The Itch

Stopping The Itch

August 18, 2021

Apart from fleas, one of the most common causes of itchy skin for your pooch is generally related to coat maintenance.

Grooming is your first defense against persistent itching.

Most times the itch is caused by pollens, dirt, matts, and dander that stay on your dog’s coat. If left long enough they can start to irritate your dog’s skin, causing them to chew and bite at the spot.

The best policy for an itchy dog is to brush it on a daily basis. Brushing your dog just once a day will help prevent the build-up that can lead to itching problems. Not only will you be preventing a bout of the scratches, your dog will love the time spent with their favourite person.

Bathing your dog is an excellent way to prevent your dog from developing an itching problem, but over washing your dog can have the opposite affect. Too much water and shampoo can strip your pup of the oils that are naturally found on the their skin. When these natural oils are stripped away the dog’s skin dries out and becomes more prone to infections.

Dry skin in dogs can be just as painful and itchy as it is to a human with a similar condition, and dogs cannot rub lotion on themselves!

If, despite your best efforts, your dog continues to scratch you should consult your veterinarian.

Dog training – Basic Commands

Dog training – Basic Commands

August 17, 2021

There are many reasons for owners to want a calm, obedient and faithful dog.  For one thing, obedient and trained dogs are happier dogs, less likely to get into tussles with people or with other dogs.

Training will also make sure your pup is a much better family companion, especially in households where there are young children.

Many studies have shown that proper dog training makes a big impact when it comes to cutting down the number of dog bites and other behavior problems encountered by dog owning households.

When considering training your own dog, or having someone else help you to train, there are certain basic commands that must be mastered in order for a dog to be considered truly trained. These basic commands include:

  • Heel – it is important that any dog learn to walk beside its owner on a loose lead, neither pulling ahead nor lagging behind
  • Respond to the word No – the word no is one word that all dogs must learn. Training your dog to respond to this important word can save you a ton of trouble.
  • Sit – Training your dog to sit on command is a vital part of any dog training program.
  • Stay – A well trained dog should remain where his or her owner commands, so stay is a very important command in dog training.
  • Down – Lying down on command is more than just a cute trick; it is a key component of any successful dog training program.

Dog training does much more than just create an obedient, willing companion.  Training your dog properly strengthens the bond that already exists between you and your pup.  Dogs are pack animals, and they look to their pack leader to tell them what to do.  The key to successful dog training is to set yourself up as that pack leader.

Establishing yourself as pack leader is a very important concept for any potential dog trainer to understand.  There is only one leader in every pack of dogs, and the owner must establish him or herself as the dominant animal.  Failure to do so leads to all manner of behavior problems.

A properly trained dog will respond to all the owner’s commands and will not display anxiety, displeasure or confusion.  A good dog training program will focus on allowing your pup to learn what is expected and will use positive reinforcement to reward desired behaviors.

In addition to making the dog a good member of the community, obedience training is a great way to fulfill some of the dog’s own needs, including the need for exercise, the security that comes with knowing what is expected, a feeling of accomplishment and a good working relationship with you.  Dog training gives the dog an important job to do, and an important goal to reach.

Giving your dog a job is more important than you may think, dogs were originally bred by humans to work, such as herding sheep, guarding property and protecting people.  Many dogs today have no important job to do, and this can often lead to boredom and neurotic behavior.

Basic obedience training, and ongoing training sessions, provide your pup with an important job to do.  This is especially important for high energy breeds like German shepherds and border collies.  Training sessions are a great way for these high energy dogs to use up their extra energy and simply to enjoy themselves.

Incorporating playtime into your dog training sessions is a great way to prevent both yourself and your dog from becoming bored.  Playing with your dog helps to strengthen the all important bond between you – the pack leader – and your dog.



Basic Puppy Care – First Weeks

Basic Puppy Care – First Weeks

August 17, 2021

After choosing the puppy of your dreams it’s time to go home and raise your new pooch into a well behaved and happy member of your family.

The first night is always hard because your puppy will miss their Mum and siblings. They may cry or whine throughout the night, but if you run to your puppy whenever they cry, you may be reinforcing the habit.

On the first night, and for about three weeks, have the puppy sleep in a dog crate.  Line the base with blankets so that it’s cosy and drape another blanket over the top to help your pup feel more secure.  Try giving your puppy a cloth or stuffed toy that has their littermates’ scent on it to snuggle up to.

Puppies are mischievous by nature and will get into everything. Be sure that hazardous items like marbles, wires, rocks, and any type of harmful plants are far out of your puppies way.

Scolding your pup should be just like telling a child no. However, when you say NO, you should demonstrate the correct behavior. For example, if your pup is chewing up the newspaper, take it away and replace it with a favourite toy and then provide lots of praise when they get it right.

Reprimands should be sharp and short. Hitting or spanking may create more problems down the road and your pup can become fearful, shy or aggressive. Always reward for proper behaviors. Treats make a great reinforcer and so is a simple scratch between the ears and a hug.

Feed your pup dry food especially made for puppies, two or three times each day. Watch out for very high protein and extra vitamins as they may be harmful to your growing puppy.  Usually after fifteen minutes, the pup will have eaten all they want, so you can remove the dish. As they grow, after ten to twelve weeks of age you can change to feeding them once in the morning and once at night.

All of these should help your new pup get through those first horrible weeks away from their family.

The bond that you start to form in the first weeks will last a lifetime.


Dog’s Sleeping Habits Explained

Dog’s Sleeping Habits Explained

July 21, 2021

Dogs, just like humans have their own sleep rituals. We know why we need the pillows a certain way, or the blankets tucked in and even which position we like to sleep in, but what does it mean for our pets?

Sleeping habits can give us a clue to our dog’s health and happiness that we can interpret if we know what we are looking for.

Sleep Preparation

Before dogs had beds, the circling was a way of establishing that the area was safe and to make sure there was nothing that could harm them when they slept. Trampling the high grass created enough disturbance to scare away any snakes, rodents or insects. If your dog seems to circle more than normal, or is having difficulty settling in, it may be an early warning of pain or a neurological issue.

If your dog enjoys digging for the sake of it, they might be telling you that they need more outside time as their digging can be harmful to your home furnishings!

Digging and scratching is a thought to be instinctive and related to temperature control. Because dogs have limited sweat glands, curling up in the cooler earth when it’s warm will keep them comfortable. Likewise, if your dog is cold, curling up in a pit will concentrate body heat and keep them safer from the elements.

Sleeping Positions

Pay attention to how your dog sleeps as a sudden change could mean they might be in pain or unwell.

A dog who sleeps on their side is feeling safe and comfortable as they are leaving their vital organs exposed and is a great indication that your pup is feeling happy and safe. Dogs that sleep on their backs with their legs in the air are super comfortable or alternatively may be warm and trying to expose the areas where the fur is thinner to cool down.

A dog that sleeps in a “superman” position (on their stomach with legs stretched out in front) is generally a puppy or a high energy dog who want to nap frequently but be ready to jump back into action!


Just like us, dogs dream and move around during different cycles of their sleep. Twitching, barking, growling or even wagging tails is completely normal and means that your dog is having a good sleep.

Dogs can also occasionally have nightmares, this is not uncommon but if it happens too frequently or your dog seems too agitated, it might be time for a vet visit.

A less common reason for twitching could be because your dog is cold and twitching is a way for them to keep warm. If your dog is cold, look at moving their sleeping place to somewhere warmer.

How Much Sleep

Dogs sleep way more than humans, on average dogs need around 14 hours per day and puppies need even more (around 18-19 hours per day).

It’s common for dog’s sleep patterns or positions to change over time, this could be due to the weather, dietary changes or even their mood!

Take notice of how much your pup sleeps to make notes of any changes as they may be an indication of a health issue.

Now that you have some insights into underlying health issues you know what your pooch is telling you, even when they are sleeping!




Feeding Your Pooch A Healthy Diet

Feeding Your Pooch A Healthy Diet

July 14, 2021

What Should We Be Feeding Our Dogs?

A look at the dog food aisle can be very confusing. There is so much contradictory information about diets for our pooches and it’s hard to know if we should we be feeding all meat, raw meat, grains or no grains?

In terms of the dietary needs, we are quick to equate wolves and domestic dogs. Wolves eat meat, therefore dogs should eat meat, right? Seems simple enough.

Dogs Are Omnivores

Many people believe dogs are carnivores but true carnivores, such as a cats will die if they don’t eat meat. Research shows that dogs are omnivores, who derive nutrition from both plant and animal sources.

Wild dogs will eat rotten fruit, vegetables and even the half-digested contents of their prey’s stomachs.

Dogs may prefer steak, but their digestive system is also geared for rice and potatoes. Dogs have evolved to eat a more varied diet and the shift matches the genetic changes seen in humans showing that dogs and humans share similar evolutionary stories.

Dogs were likely domesticated around 15,000 years ago. At this time, humans were hunter-gatherers, and eating (and feeding their canine companions) mostly meat. With the development of agriculture about 12,000 years ago, people began to eat more starches (i.e., plant foods), and, unsurprisingly, so did their dogs.

The hungry wolves would have been attracted by the garbage dumps full of food scraps, taking advantage of this convenient new food supply. The wolves would have to adapt not just to being near people, but also to eating their food, which now included starchy grains and vegetables.

The wolves who could digest starch would have had an advantage and today’s domesticated dogs are probably descended from them.

How Does This Affect Your Pet’s Diet?

Dogs do not need meat in order to live. They can survive solely on non-meat sources and are at ease consuming a variety of different food sources.

Essentially, this means that you need to focus on providing the right balance of nutrients to your dog, and this does not have to be exclusively from a meat-based source.

What Should You Feed Your Pooch?

Modern dogs are not wolves and because of human intervention and selective breeding, they come in all shapes and sizes with varied dietary requirements.

An all-meat diet means that there are no fruits, vegetables or supplements and just like humans, our pooches need a varied diet to be healthy.

A balanced diet, which all things in moderation should contain protein (from an animal), vegetables, whole grains and fats (omega 3 fatty acids for skin and brain function).


What Does A Dog Groomer Do?

What Does A Dog Groomer Do?

May 15, 2021

Many people prefer to groom their own dogs, but it takes training, particularly if its large, wiggly or naughty. Many people rely on a professional dog groomer to pamper their pets as it saves them time, energy and money.

Professional grooming involves all the services that each particular breed needs, from washing, brushing, deshedding to style grooming. Your groomer will also clean your dog’s ears and check for any signs of infection.

Dog Grooming Equipment

Many home accidents with our pets occur when we take the kitchen scissors to cut out a matt or use equipment or shampoos not suited for our pooch.

Professional groomers have all the right equipment to look after your dog. They will have the correct grooming clippers and scissors as well as the right shampoo for your dog’s skin.

Dog Grooming Schedules

There is generally a dog grooming salon in most suburbs where your can drop your pooch off and pick them up later.

Mobile Groomers are becoming increasingly more popular as they come to you, with fully equipped grooming salons in their vans or trailers. This means that you don’t need to leave your home and your pooch stays close to their own environment, making the experience more comfortable for them.

Dog Behaviour

Professional dog groomers know how to handle your dog and have been trained to manage most pooches and behaviours, enabling them to get the job done quickly and efficiently without injury.

Dog Groomers Take Care Of The Yucky Stuff

Whether it’s anal glands, fleas or even eye gunk, professional groomers have the tools and the knowledge to be able to take care of it so that you don’t

How Often Should I Have My Dog Groomed?

It always depends on the breed, type of coat and if your dog spends a lot of time outdoors. Generally, we recommend at least monthly to keep your pooch happy and smelling nice and fresh.

Puppies should have more frequent, shorter grooming sessions to help them get used to the process so that they don’t have issues later on.

What Should I Do Between Grooms?

Brushing your dog at least weekly will help with shedding and ensure that your dog doesn’t become matted. Matting can be very painful for your dog and may result in your dog having to be shaved off.

How Often Should You Wash Your Dog?

How Often Should You Wash Your Dog?

May 12, 2021

Dogs get dirty and smelly, how quickly that happens depends on their lifestyles. Just like us, different breeds are less into outdoor activities than others. For some dogs though, muddy puddles and a dirt bath are just too inviting!

When To Bathe Your Dog

There is no exact number of times that a dog needs to be washed, but at the minimum it really should be at least every two months.

Baths are more for the benefit of their parents than the dogs themselves, especially for inside dogs. If your pooch is allowed on the furniture or on the beds, a clean and fresh smelling dog is much easier to live with!

For people with allergies, a dog’s dander or the outside allergens brought inside on your dog’s coat can cause reactions and will mean more frequent washing for your own health.

If your dog has a healthy coat and normal skin, bathing once a month is normally sufficient.

Can You Wash Your Dog Too Often?

There’s nothing wrong with washing a dog more often, but if too many oils are removed it can result in a dull coat and itchy skin. If you do need to bath your dog more often, make sure that you are using gentle, moisturising shampoos and conditioners that can help replenish your dog’s natural moisture.

If your dog has any kind of skin condition, your vet will recommend to wash your dog more or less frequently but for the most part it comes down to lifestyle.

How Fur Types Affect How Often Your Should Wash Your Dog

Dogs with oily coasts, such as Basset Hounds should be washed every week, while dogs with repellent coats like Golden Retrievers can be washed less often. Dogs with thick or double coats, like Malamutes require frequent grooming to minimise the shedding.

Long and curly haired breeds require more regular grooming and maintenance to keep their coats from matting. They should be washed at least every four to six weeks.

When Should Puppies Be Washed

Introducing a regular grooming routine early will help your pup see the grooming process as something pleasurable rather than occasional torture.

You should start washing them from when you bring them home and there are many puppy specific shampoos and conditioners available to keep their coats clean without removing all of the natural oils that they need to keep healthy.

Why Do You Need To Wash Your Dog

Aside from the keeping your dog clean and removing unwanted smells, washing and grooming your dog will give you a chance to check them over for strange lumps, fleas and ticks.

How To Bath Your Dog

Washing a dog can be sometimes be challenging and if that is the case, you can use a professional dog groomer. Jim’s Dog Wash franchisees come to your home, keeping your dog in a safe environment where they aren’t too far from you.

If you would like to undertake the task yourself, there are a few things that you should remember:

  • Never use “people” shampoos or conditioners as dogs have delicate skin and shampoos not designed for dogs can cause skin irritations
  • Ensure that your dog is restrained safely to stop them sliding around in the bath or potentially jumping out and injuring themselves
  • Make sure that you completely dry your dog afterwards. Leaving your dog damp can allow fungus to grow, causing infections, hot spots. Drying completely will also mean that your dog smells nicer for longer.

If you still aren’t sure, speak to your local Jim’s Dog Wash professional who will be able to give you guidance and assistance.



Green Poop – Should You Be Worried?

Green Poop – Should You Be Worried?

May 3, 2021

Green poop is definitely something you shouldn’t ignore. Most times it’s not a cause for concern but it might also be a sign that there’s something wrong with your dog’s health.

Generally, the cause of green dog poop is simply that your dog has eaten too much grass, plant material or even a large amount of Greenies Treats and of course there are the other usual culprits, crayons, paint and pencils.

If you aren’t sure that your dog has eaten something innocent, then you should see a vet as the green pigment can also be due to your dog eating toxins, in particular rat poison.

If you’re sure that your dog hasn’t ingested anything, the green poop could indicate a more serious health problem.

Compromised adsorption of the intestinal tract can cause green poop. If the bile is not being absorbed sufficiently it can pass through the intestines and make it look green.

If the poop has changed in its shape or if there is mucous, then potentially, it could be caused by the bile not being absorbed in the intestines. If the poop looks normal, then likely its just something green passing through your dog’s intestines.

Giardia infection can also cause a greenish poop. This is usually accompanied by weight loss and a soft watery stool.

The best thing to do is to check in with your vet. Bring a stool sample with you, so that your vet can test it. If it is poison then it’s important to act quickly to improve the chance of your dog recovering.

Even if it’s just that your dog has been eating grass, other complications can also occur. Eating large amounts of grass can cause an upset tummy or even a bowel obstruction.

The best way to keep your pooch healthy and safe is to

  • Feed your dog a consistent diet – It will make it easier to detect changes
  • Limit human food – Human food can affect dogs and upset their stomachs or cause allergies
  • Prevent Rubbish Eating – This will allow you to keep a better control of their diet
  • Know What’s In Your Garden – Mushrooms and many different kinds of plants can make your dog sick
  • Keep Medicines, Cleaning Products or Pest Control Products out of reach

Any sudden changes in your dogs stool are a cause for concern and should be followed up with your vet.



Is Your Dog Aggressive? What To Do About It

Is Your Dog Aggressive? What To Do About It

January 3, 2021

Our dogs are very important members of our family, but sometimes we forget that their behaviours reflect many centuries of instinctually protecting themselves, their territory and their food.

Snarling, growling or more seriously, even biting are indications of aggressive behaviour.

People assume that some dogs are just naturally aggressive, but this is not true. If a dog is aggressive, it’s their way of saying that something isn’t right. Before trying to correct the behaviour, first you should try to identify the underlying cause of the aggression.

Fear: When a dog feels that they are in danger, its an instinct to act aggressively. Even if it is a perception of danger, your dog may growl, bark or even bite.

Protective: Dogs instinctively protect what is theirs – This may be food, toys, their owners or their home. Your dog may snarl or snap at those that they perceive to be encroaching their “territory”.

Redirected: If a dog is provoked or in fear, but unable to attack their aggressor they may turn on another dog or human nearby.

It’s Not You, It’s Me: Having an aggressive dog can be very stressful but it’s important to be calm as possible as when you are stressed, your dog will feed off your energy making things worse. Your own anxiety may be the cause of the aggression as your dog may think that they need to protect you.

Healthy Exercise: Many people select a dog on the look or current popularity, instead of the suitability of the breed to your lifestyle. Maybe your dog needs more exercise, love, socialisation or mental stimulation. Dogs that have enough exercise can be less frustrated and will minimise the chance of them lashing out.

No More Bullying: Bigger dogs have a bad reputation, not because they are more prone to aggression, but it is scarier having a Rottweiler growl at you compared to a Chihuahua. All dogs should be treated as potentially aggressive, not just the bigger breeds.

Talk To Your Vet: When a dog is in pain, they tend to lash out. If a normally non aggressive dog suddenly changes behaviour, it’s important to check for bigger issues.

Ask For Help: Aggressive behaviour does not go away on it’s own. If you aren’t able to locate the source of the aggression, it might be time to get some help. A dog trainer or animal behaviourist may be able to identify the cause.

Desexing: Desexed dogs are less likely to need to assert their dominance or to be territorial.

Don’t Punish: Punishment for aggression could potentially make the situation worse if the cause is fear further. If the aggression is because your dog is trying to be dominant, punishment can cause them to overpower you.

Quite often the cause of aggression can be resolved but firstly it’s important to establish why and look at removing the cause.

If you fear that your dog will bite another person, maybe consider using a muzzle or keeping your dog confined in situations where they may become fearful.


Your Dog Is Talking – Are You Listening?

Your Dog Is Talking – Are You Listening?

December 30, 2020

Just like humans, dogs have their own language, thoughts and feelings and just like we do, they express them in many different ways.

Dogs use body language instead of verbal communication. They express their emotions and intentions through their movements and how they hold their body, tails, ears and even where they are looking.

Here are our quick tips on understanding your dog’s behaviours and how to translate their language


Your dog’s tail is down and relaxed, the ears are up but not pointing forwards. The mouth can be open with the tongue exposed and the head held up. Normally your dog will also be in a relaxed stance with their weight balanced evenly on all feet. Another clue is if the dog is looking directly at you, showing that there is no fear of threat.


Your dog may have seen or heard something that is interesting and needs to check things out. Generally, the tail will move slightly from side to side and the ears are forward and may even twitch, the eyes will be wide open and the mouth will be closed. Your dog could also be leaning slightly forward and leaning into the toes.


A dominant dog is not a problem in itself and understanding the difference between dominant or submissive behaviour will help you to manage aggressive behaviour if your dog is feeling challenged or threatened. It will also give you a clue of when you shouldn’t approach another dog.

The tail of the dog will be stiff and upright, it might also quiver or vibrate. The hair on the tail and the hackles may also be raised or bristled. The ears will be forward as the dog is alert and looking for danger. The lips may be curled with the teeth or gums showing and the dog may be standing stiffly, with weight on the front feet.


The tail will be tucked in between the hind legs and the body will be lowered with the hackles raised and the ears pulled back. The dog may be snarling with lips curled back and teeth clenched and will be staring at whatever is making them fearful

A dog that is frightened, but not submissive could possibly attack if the object of fear is not removed.


When a dog is fearful of something, it will generally be looking directly at it. If the dog is in a distressed state with many stressors, they may not be looking directly at any one thing but looking around fearfully.

The tail will be down and the body lowered, the ears will be back and there may be rapid panting.

Prolonged periods of distress may indicate a more serious issue should be investigated.


If your dog is fearful and offers signs of submission, generally your dog is trying to avoid challenges or conflict. In the doggy world, its about the pecking order and what or who is of a higher status.

The tail will be down and the body lowered towards the ground in a crouching position. The ears will be back and the eye contact will be very brief, if at all.

If your dog is always showing this behaviour, it may be a clue that they aren’t comfortable in their environment.

Total Submission

Total surrender means that your dog is showing his most vulnerable parts and is accepting of his lower status completely.

Your dog will roll over onto it’s back, completely exposing the tummy and throat and the head will be turned to avoid any direct eye contact. If your dog is feeling extreme fear, you may notice the tail tucked completely up between the high legs and there may also be a sprinkle of urine


A vigorously wagging tail, most times shows playfulness and friendliness. Your dog may also bend his front legs, with his back legs straight. The pupils will be dilated and ears will be up. Your dog wants to play!

It’s important to look at the entire body to fully understand what your dog is telling you. Not all dogs can communicate in the same way, for example breeds with long floppy ears, cannot raise them in the same way or dogs with very short tails cannot communicate much with their little stumpy tail!


Does Your Dog Eat Grass? Should You Be Concerned?

Does Your Dog Eat Grass? Should You Be Concerned?

December 30, 2020

There are many reasons why dogs eat grass, it could be that they need extra fibre, they feel unwell and want to vomit, or maybe just because they are bored!

Eating grass isn’t bad for your dog and some actually like the taste and it isn’t a sign of your dog being unwell, but there are a few things to look out for:

Getting Roughage

Grass contains dietary fibre and helps to simulate dog’s intestinal tracts. If you aren’t feeding your dog a premium diet, you may find that they are eating grass to fill the void in the nutrition.

You may need to look at alternative sources of nutrients or switch to a premium diet high in roughage, such as wheat bran or sesame seeds. You can also sprinkle extra fibre on their normal food. Vegetables are also a great option, pumpkin and green beans are the most common types.

Vomit Time

Not all dogs vomit from eating grass, but some dogs eat it to try to relieve an upset stomach. The grass helps induce vomiting, thus getting rid of whatever is bothering them.

If your dog eats grass, vomits and seems fine there isn’t any reason to be concerned. They have probably fixed whatever was bothering them. If they keep eating grass and vomiting and it isn’t normal behaviour then a trip to the vet


Dogs eat grass (amongst other things) if they are bored or maybe they just like it. This in itself isn’t a problem but you do need to keep a careful eye on fertilisers and pesticides that you use on your grass. You should check your lawn care products to make sure that they are safe for pets.

You might want to look at an extra walk or some toys to distract them from the behaviour if you feel it is a problem.

As with anything, if there is a sudden change in your dog’s behaviour you should always check in with the vet just to make sure.

Happy Hump Day? Why Your Dog Is Humping And How To Stop It

Happy Hump Day? Why Your Dog Is Humping And How To Stop It

December 19, 2019

Humping is one of the most commonly misunderstood and unwanted behaviour in dogs. It is also one of the most frequent and embarrassing. Sometimes they’ll hump a stuffed animal or a sofa, or worse, a person’s leg.

Dogs do not hump to assert dominance and if your dog is desexed, it’s not about mating either, nor is it reserved just for the males. Females can also demonstrate mounting behaviour for all the same reasons that male dogs do. Humping is common behaviour when dogs are playing, fighting or even when alone and bored.

The most common times we see humping is when guests arrive, after meals or when dogs are playing with each other. These are all stimulating times that spike to dog’s adrenaline and the dog is uncomfortable so needs to make itself feel better.

The simplest answer is that humping feels good and when your dog feels uncomfortable or gets over stimulated, they undertake comfort behaviours to calm down and make themselves feel better.

It is important not to punish this behaviour, you will just increase excitement or make them nervous which will likely compound the problem and increase the likelihood of it happening again.

The best way is to step in calmly and separate. Engage the dog and encourage an alternate settling behaviour such as removing them altogether from the situation and settling or giving them something to chew to provide a distraction.

Work out when your dog is likely to start humping and direct their energy onto a more appropriate activity and reward for calm behaviour. If your dog is trained to sit on cue, when your dog starts to mount, say “sit” provide and reward to encourage the good behaviour.

Dreaded Matts And How To Avoid Them!

Dreaded Matts And How To Avoid Them!

December 2, 2019

Not only are matts dirty and messy, they can also cause skin irritation, hot spots and infection caused by dirt, moisture and bacteria being trapped inside the matts. Matts can also be very painful (imagine wearing a too tight ponytail all day). Tight matting causes the skin to pull and may lead to your pooch licking itself to relive the pain, making the matting worse and causing more issues.

Mats begin at the base of your dog’s coat, not at the top so the coat may feel tangle free and generally it is not visible by just looking. The fur starts to matt from underneath as it moults from your dog’s body. The best way to tell if your dog is matted is to glide a comb or brush from the skin to the outer coat. If it glides easily then there is no matting. If the comb or brush gets stuck and you can’t get it through then you know that the coat is starting to form matts.

Sometimes fleas can be the cause of matts. If your dog licks the area where it’s been bitten the fur can tangle and become matted. If left unchecked, the matting may worsen. You can check out our range of flea and tick treatments in our Jim’s Pet Store here.

You should NEVER try to cut mats out. They are often tighter than you realise and can potentially have skin caught up in them. You can easily cut the skin, causing more damage.

Non shedding dogs, like Poodles, Bichon Frise etc need help by regular brushing at least twice weekly with a good slicker brush to remove all the loose hair along with regular visits to a groomer. If you are unsure of the appropriate brush, have a look at Jim’s Pet Store page grooming brushes

See below our tips on how to avoid mats;

Most importantly, you should help your dog to enjoy the grooming process so they’ll stand long enough to be brushed thoroughly. Start brushing your pup when it’s young, even if brushing isn’t needed. Ensure that you provide lots of praise and treats so that the grooming process is associated with happy things.

You should always remove all of the matts or tangled hair before bathing. The water will only make the matting worse. Conditioner won’t untangle the mats on its own. You need to rub it into the mat and the brush or comb out completely before bathing. Always use a good conditioner. Dematting can cause major breakage, even if done correctly

Pay close attention to areas that mat easily, behind the ears and legs and where the collar or halter rubs. To keep mats from forming. A detangler cream or spray helps prevent fur from getting clumped up and can be used before swimming, this will make brushing easier later.

If there is severe matting, understand that your groomer may have no option but to shave off completely. Dematting is very painful and if your dog isn’t used to the grooming process, it can also be very stressful.

To book regular grooming, you can call Jim’s Dog Wash on 131546 or book online here

Bad Doggy Breath?

Bad Doggy Breath?

November 9, 2019

Your dog might think that you appreciate slobbery kisses, but if their breath is bad then getting close is probably the last thing that you want to do!

Some dogs will eat anything and this can lead to bad breath. If your dog is regularly eating your garbage, is eating animal remains or is getting into the kitty litter, this unsupervised snacking can be the cause, but generally the most common cause of bad breath is bad oral hygiene and tooth disease.


If your dog is not a chewer and you do not regularly brush, over time the plaque will build up and lead to serious gum and teeth disease.

Just like humans, the build up of plaque can lead to bad bacteria that cause bad breath. Too much plaque can push the gums away from the teeth exposing new areas for the bacteria to build up.

Dogs teeth should be brushed at least once a week to prevent build up of plaque and bacteria.


Dental Sprays can reduce plaque and freshen breath and can be used as a supplement or replacement to tooth brushing click here to visit our store


Dental chews can help, but remember not all dental chews are great for your dog. Look for ones that contain chlorophyll, cinnamon and cloves.


Fresh wheatgrass is an excellent source of chlorophyll and is a brilliant remedy for bad breath, coconut oil has the added benefits of boosting the digestive and immune systems, it helps to combat bad breath. Put a teaspoon over your dog’s food every day. You can even brush your dog’s teeth with it.

Neem is an extract from the Neem tree and has many positive effects on dogs and their humans. It’s also great for the skin and coat, as well as being excellent for oral health.

Cinnamon sprinkled on your dog’s food will help them to have sweet smelling breath


If your dog has a sweet or fruity smell, it could mean that this is a symptom of diabetes. Look out for other symptoms like more frequent drinking and urination. Other issues to look out for is if there is a yellow tinge to the gums, this may mean that your pooch has liver issues and you should get to the Vet to check as soon as possible.

Dog Scooting: Why It Happens and When To See The Vet

Dog Scooting: Why It Happens and When To See The Vet

October 3, 2019

The sight of your dog dragging its butt across the floor might look funny (unless it’s on your carpet), but dog scooting is no laughing matter and may be giving you a clue that there’s a problem with your furbaby.

Why does it happen and what does it mean and when should you see the vet?

The biggest reason for scooting if there is an itch or pain “back there”. If their butt is bothering them, they will generally drag it on the carpet, grass or concrete to scratch their itch. Many things can cause the itch, but most of the time it’s caused by impacted or infected anal glands.

Dogs have two small sacs on either side of their anus that contain a very smelly liquid that is excreted whenever they poop. Most people think this is how dogs mark their territory, adding some extra smell to their poop that is uniquely theirs. In a normal, healthy dog the stools are hard enough that the glands express themselves. If your dog has loose stools or irregular bowel movements that don’t press against the anal glands you may find that they can develop inflammation of the anal glands.

Inflammation prevents the liquid from being excreted normally and becomes too thick, so it can’t be expressed normally, causing the anal glands to become full and uncomfortable. This can, in some cases also lead to infection and abcesses.

Rarely, the scooting could also be caused by intestinal parasites such as tapeworms, injuries or tumours in the anus, rectal prolapse or allergies. In addition to scooting, you might notice your dog licking their back end excessively.

What to do?

If you notice your dog scooting occasionally, you don’t need to rush to the vets, sometimes they just have an itch and want to scratch it. You should keep an eye on them and check how often they are doing it but an occasional scoot is no cause for concern.

If your dog is scooting for more than a few days, it might be time for a vet visit. Your vet can do a rectal exam, just to see what is going on with the anal glands and to check for any signs of inflammation. Your vet can also do a faecal exam and look for any signs of intestinal parasites.

If the anal glands are full or impacted, the vet may need to express them, however your vet should help you to determine the cause of the problem rather than just treating it symptomatically by manually expressing the glands.

It’s important to try to re-establish the tone and health of malfunctioning glands using a combination of dietary adjustments, homeopathic remedies and natural GI anti-inflammatories. Sometimes manually infusing the glands with natural lubricants or herbal preparations can help return them to normal function.

The goal should be to resolve the underlying cause and return your dog’s anal glands to self-sufficiency. If your dog doesn’t have anal gland issues you should tell both your groomer and your vet to leave these little glands completely alone to avoid future problems down the road.

How to Stop Anal Gland Issues

Adding fibre to your dog’s diet can firm up their stools, making it more likely that the glands will be able to express on their own when the dog poops as they empty with the pressure of the stools. You could try adding pumpkin to your dogs’ food. There are also commercial anal gland supplements containing fibre available.

Chronic Issues

Some dogs develop impacted or full anal glands and may benefit from having them expressed manually on a regular basis, however expressing them when there are no problems is not necessary and will likely cause harm.

If there is no problem, the anal glands should be left alone. Routine expression of the anal glands is pointless and unpleasant for both the dog and the human and can be potentially harmful, so if you take your dog to the groomer, make sure to mention that anal gland expression is not needed as over time expressing them can result in the inability for them to function on their own.

The anal sacs are delicate little organs that can be easily injured through squeezing and pinching. They were meant to function optimally on their own without mechanical squeezing. Trauma to the glands causes tissue damage and inflammation, which in turn causes swelling.

If your dog is having recurrent or chronic anal sac issues, it’s important to identify the root cause rather than repetitively treating the symptom by manually expressing the glands. If your dog’s poop is frequently unformed, sort of watery, their anal glads aren’t getting the pressure they need to empty and you should investigate the cause of the soft stools.  Feeding a balanced and appropriate diet should address most food sensitivities and stool consistency.



September 2, 2019

Just like it is important to spring clean your home, it is important to keep your pet looking their best too! There is no better time than the beginning of spring to clean your pets bedding, toys and of course, their fur! Whether you prefer to wash your pet at home or you have the grooming done by your local Jim’s Dog Wash experts, we cannot stress the importance of regular grooming.

LEAVE WINTER BEHIND (and the winter fur)

Your dog feels refreshed, their ears have been cleaned, their nails have been trimmed, their fur has been washed and cut, and they feel fabulous! Spring is a great time to get your pooch started on their regular grooming schedule. Over the winter, they have been inside, and they may have excess fur from their winter coat that needs to be removed. This will make them feel and look their very best, just in time for lots of fun, outdoor activities.


Just like we love to brush our hair, take showers, and feel an overall sense of cleanliness, our furry friends love it too. While they may not love getting wet, they will appreciate the way they feel afterwards. It is important that between professional pet grooming appointments, you keep up with their brushing and toe nail clipping (if possible). This helps to keep their fur from tangling or matting and their toe nails from becoming ingrown (ouch!).


In addition to the regular, mini-grooming sessions at home with your pet (brushing and toe nail trimming), professional pet grooming is necessary to maintain your pet’s health and wellness. There are a few specific reasons why you should choose to professionally groom your pet:

🐾 Professional grooming maintains healthy skin and a healthy coat.

🐾 A grooming professional knows how to properly clean your pet’s ears and inspect them for ear mites.

🐾 Regular nail trims not only keep the nails short, but they reinforce a healthy foot structure and posture and reduces the risk of infection.

🐾 Regular grooming visits may result in early detection of issues with their skin, nails, teeth and ears.

🐾 When your pet has been regularly groomed, you will notice a decrease in shedding.

🐾 Your pet will look and smell great!

If it has been a while since your last trip to the groomer or your pet has never been, Jim’s Dog Wash on 131546 today. We would love to see your pet and get them looking and smelling their very best!



Common Mistakes That Shorten Your Dog’s Life

Common Mistakes That Shorten Your Dog’s Life

August 4, 2019

We love our dogs and want them to live a long and happy lives but unfortunately many of us unwittingly shortening our beloved pooches’ life. Here are a five common mistakes:

Feeding Improperly

Many of us like to give our dogs the food that they like best, but your dog’s health depends on a complete diet with all of the nutrients and less calories.

Be selective about ingredients and make sure you read the package carefully and check the calories as overfeeding is one of the biggest causes of ill health in our pooches. Food should not contain colouring agents or Genetically Modified Organisms.

Your dog’s digestive system isn’t set up for people food and though it’s hard to resist those puppy dog eyes, you are doing your dog a favour by not treating them with your food.

Being inconsistent with training

Consistency will make your dog feel more secure. If you say no to table scraps, but give them some occasionally, it will derail all of your efforts and confuse your dog.

Every dog needs basic training and socialisation, without it you will limit the amount of enjoyment that you have with your pet, they can become easily frightened and react in ways that aren’t appropriate in public.

Forgetting Important Care

Bathing your dog regularly will give you the opportunity to check for lumps or growths, it’s also a necessity to keep them clean and healthy. Dogs that need grooming, should be groomed regular to save them the discomfort of having knots.

Different breeds have different grooming requirements, but all dogs should be brushed regularly. This will ensure that their skin and fur are healthy and free of knots.

Larger dogs that get a lot of exercise on footpaths may wear their nails down naturally, but will still need to be trimmed on occasion. Smaller dogs should be cut regularly otherwise they can rip your skin and furniture as well as causing pain and injury to your dog.

When To Visit The Vet

Don’t put it off, you are your dog’s first and last line of defence. A lot of dog owners skip routine visits unless there is something going on with their dog to avoid the cost and inconvenience.

Dogs will hide illnesses until it becomes unbearable. Treating it then will be far worse. It’s better to have regular check ups as the vet knows what to look for and may be able to pick up things before they become a big problem.

Not Exercising Enough

Exercise is a basic need for every dog. Lack of exercise can lead to health and behavioural problems. Some dogs need more exercise than others, make sure you are providing enough for the breed that you have.

Dogs should have enough time to get outside, they can become overweight as well as showing bad behaviour like chewing up your shoes and digging holes.

Train Your Dog To Walk On A Leash Without Pulling

Train Your Dog To Walk On A Leash Without Pulling

July 5, 2019

When was the last time you saw dogs off leash walking in a nice straight line? Probably never.  In the wild, being restrained is dangerous, so when a collar presses against a dog’s neck, the tendency is to pull harder. It’s unnatural for dogs to walk in this way, they want to chase leaves and sniff at every fence post.

You may be thinking that all is lost and your dog will never learn how to walk politely on a leash, but that’s not the case. With a few tips, you can help your dog to stop tugging and make your walks more enjoyable for both of you:

Be Patient

Remember that polite leash walking is very artificial for your dog and be patient and generous. If your dog gets it right, make sure you reward them, either with a treat, your words or with permission to sniff something interesting.


A good exercise is to set a treat on the ground and walk towards it with your dog on the leash. Every time your dog pulls forward say “oops” then return back to the starting point. Repeat as many times as you need to until you can walk to the treat without pulling on the leash (told you that patience was needed).


The right equipment can decrease pulling and there are numerous choices, like front clip harnesses or head collars. For most products, the fit is key. Too loose and it may not work. Too tight and it can cause pain for your dog. If you aren’t sure, check with a trainer or your vet.


A tired dog will find it easier to walk at your pace and learn from you, so ensure that your dog is getting plenty of exercise. To give you a good head start with training, tire your dog out before the walk, play a quick game of fetch beforehand.

Walk WITH Your Dog

A walk is the highlight of your dog’s day. Walk with your dog. You will both enjoy having more to connect you than just the leash.

Is Your Dog Peeing In The House?

Is Your Dog Peeing In The House?

June 15, 2019

There are many reasons why dogs have accidents in the house and some of them can be a symptom of a bigger issue so it’s well worth putting a little effort into figuring out what’s causing the problem rather than disciplining.

Scent Marking

Toilet accidents generally leave large amounts of urine, scent marking is different. You will find small amounts of urine in different place around your house.

Dogs will want to mark scent where other dogs have been to the toilet and ammonia can often trigger that response. Since many of our household cleaners contain ammonia, try switching to a natural cleaner and clean the area thoroughly.

Medical Issue

If your dog was previously housetrained and suddenly starts having accidents, get the vet to check for gastrointestinal disease, urinary or bladder infection or canine cognitive dysfunction (similar to Alzheimer’s disease in humans).

Change of Environment

If your dog has been cleared by a vet and it’s definitely not scent marking, have a look to see if anything significant has happened in your dog’s environment? Have you moved house or has someone recently moved out of the household. Dogs are very perceptive and are more affected by changes in family life, routine or discipline than we realise.

Look for a Pattern

When are the accidents happening? Is it during a thunderstorm or when you leave the house or do they sneak away and go in the same place? Finding a pattern can help find the reason.

Go Back to Basic Training

To stop a dog peeing in the house, you may need to go back to the basics of toilet training.

  • Take the dog outside more frequently
  • Reward outside toileting
  • Supervise at all times
  • Don’t punish accidents

Be patient, with consistent guidance and support, your dog will get back on track and keep the accidents to a minimum.

Jim’s Dog Wash Helping Out The 4th Preston Scout Group

Jim’s Dog Wash Helping Out The 4th Preston Scout Group

May 27, 2019

The very best part of being dog groomers with Jim’s Dog Wash is that we can get involved in the local community that we work in! We love to donate our time for pet adoption days, rescue events and anything else that allows us improve the lives of our favourite animals!

We recently assisted 4th Preston Scout Group members to attain their animal care badge and in the process did our bit to help the next generation learn how to wash, groom and take care of their dogs.

If you have any community events that require a groomer,  dog washing or an educator we would love to hear from you!

Drop us a line at info@jimsdogwash.com.au

Be Choosy About Dog Chews

Be Choosy About Dog Chews

May 27, 2019

Dogs love to chew on things. Any chew that can be swallowed or broken apart presents the risk of harm to your dog. If pieces can be chewed or cracked off your dog may swallow them and end up with a bowel perforation of an intestinal obstruction. Soft, easily swallowed chew toys may build up in the stomach and cause vomiting. Dog treats are not part of the pet food industry and as such, are not regulated in the same way, meaning that there could be potential for bacterial contamination if the treats aren’t prepared correctly.

So which one to choose?


Sticks can be a natural choice for dogs as they can pick up a stick on their walks. Be aware, that some wood is toxic to dogs, in particular White Cedar, Australian Pine, Black Walnut and Apple trees. Further, a dog running with a stick can cause punctures in the mouth, as too can splinters as well as getting lodged in gums.


Dried, aged antlers can be harder than bones and can sometime result in injured teeth


These popular chews are marketed as toys, not food and are processed using chemicals that can be very dangerous to dogs. Always avoid rawhide that is coloured as the dyes are very unsafe for dogs.

Hooves, Feet and Ears

Cow hooves and duck feet are cleaned and dried to use as dog chews, however they can become very brittle and smaller pieces can block or irritate the intestines. Lamb ears are suitable for puppies and smaller dogs, while larger dogs can enjoy cow ears. Pig ears are generally very fatty and can cause digestive problems.

Bully Sticks

You have probably seen bully sticks for sale and have heard that dogs love them, but not many people know what they are made of. Bully sticks, or pizzle sticks are digestible dog treats made with the dried muscle from steer or bull penis, which is considered an animal by product. Dogs love them, but be aware they really stink and are definitely an outside activity!

Dehydrated Meat

Meat can be dehydrated and given to your dog as a chew, provided there are no additional spices or flavouring.


Cooked bones should never be given to your dog as they become hard and brittle and can cause broken teeth and issues with splinters being swallowed and affecting the intestinal tract. Fresh, raw bones are great for your dog.

Nylon and Plastic Chews

These chew toys can keep your pooch occupied and help them with their urges to chew, but make sure that you check for sharp edges that can cause bleeding. Rope toys can also be used, however you need to ensure that once the toy starts to break down it should be removed as the fibres from the ropes can cause damage to your dog’s intestines.

There are no toys that are completely safe. You should always supervise your dog and immediately remove anything that might cause cracked teeth or intestinal blockages. It is hard to gauge the nutritional content of store purchased treats as they aren’t part of the pet food industry and do not need to have product labels so always purchase from a reputable supplier and use as an occasional treat.

Can Dogs Eat Carrots?

Can Dogs Eat Carrots?

May 27, 2019

We all know that there are some fruits and vegetables that we shouldn’t feed our dogs, but what about carrots?

The great news is that not only can dogs eat carrots, but they are actually really healthy as well and dogs love them. Carrots are an amazing, healthy snack for our dogs, providing a great low calorie source of extra food for hungry dogs.

Carrots are high in fibre, antioxidants and vitamin A and they also slow the progression of dental disease. Vitamin A is super important to maintain overall health, bone growth and reproduction. They also keep your dogs vision sharp as they are loaded with lycopene and lutein, which are essential in protecting eyes from free-radical and UV damage.

Vets recommend that your dog’s teeth are brushed every day (just like us) but it’s not always easy to do. Carrots will help with combating plaque build up while keeping them healthy at the same time!

For smaller dogs, you may want to slice up the carrots to minimise the danger of choking, but bigger dogs can be given raw, peeled carrots any time as a treat. Studies also show that cooked carrots can help your dog to digest the nutrition from them. Steaming them minimally in the microwave won’t cause a major change in the vitamins and minerals, but don’t boil them as this can leach out the nutrients.

Tips To Keeping Your Dog Healthy During Winter

Tips To Keeping Your Dog Healthy During Winter

May 17, 2019

In the winter months, it’s easy to think that grooming isn’t needed so much.  You may think: they are inside all the time and therefore “stay clean,” or they just go right back outside and immediately become a mud puppy again!

Many think that dogs with long coats “winterize” themselves and can be left alone through the cold, wet season.  However, while these coats are a “blessing” in terms of warmth versus a short-haired dog’s coat, they can also be a curse.

Thick coats in winter can turn quickly into an issue if the fur isn’t maintained in a healthy condition.  Fur that’s matted doesn’t insulate or provide warmth; instead, it provides discomfort, pain and hot spots.  Matting can even lead to infections below the skin, so when considering the effects of letting the grooming go, consider how your dog’s health may in fact suffer as a result.  Grooming isn’t just for a beautiful dog it’s also crucial for your dog’s good health.

Dry and cold weather can do a number on your pet’s skin.  Help prevent dry, flaky skin by adding a skin and coat supplement to your dog’s food.  Coconut oil is a good natural moisturizer that can help keep your pet’s skin and coat healthy.  If you find your pet’s paws, ears or tail are dry or cracking, you can also apply coconut oil topically as needed.  Please see your vet if you have any concerns.

Dogs often need more grooming in the winter than at any other time of the year.  Longer, fluffier coats tend to mat, and walks through mud and rain are messy.  If your dog is indoors to keep warm, you may be especially eager to bathe him to keep “doggie” odor to a minimum, but that is a personal preference.

Please keep in mind that if you do bathe your dog, they must be completely dry before going outside if it is cold, because a wet dog is more likely to become chilled.  This is especially true of small breeds or those with short hair.  Prolonged exposure to cold results in a drop in body temperature, or hypothermia, and it is most likely to occur when a dog is wet.  If you normally allow your dog to air dry, consider blow drying to speed the process, if your dog allows you to do it.

Some owners believe that giving a dog a haircut during cold weather compromises the dog because it needs its coat to keep warm. While this is true, it’s also true that most pets don’t live outdoors all the time (nor should they!); they’re usually snuggled up with their owner in front of the heater or fireplace.  House dogs don’t need to rely on long fur and a thick undercoat for warmth, as wild animals do.

It is okay to give your dog a haircut in winter.  However, if you’re concerned about your dog being cold on outings, consider requesting a longer trim or pop on a doggie sweater.

A dog’s winter coat can also hide trouble, such as lumps, bumps or sores, which is another good reason to keep brushing regularly.  As you brush, feel and look carefully for signs of illness.  Call your veterinarian if you see anything suspect – skin infections such as hot spots will spread very quickly and easily get out of control.

Jim’s Dog Wash franchisees come to you in their fully equipped mobile salon, with constant warm water. For regular maintenance or a one off pamper, give us a call. We come to you!

Preventing Matting

Preventing Matting

May 9, 2019

Dogs coats are constantly changing throughout their life.  The coat goes through several cycles that are pre-determined by genetics.  It may also be affected by diet, environment and health.

The four main stages of coat growth are;

  • Anagen
    This is where your dogs coat is in an active growth cycle and constantly growing. This is predetermined genetically, and some breeds have short coats others have long straight coat or curly coats.  Some continue to grow for up to a year others 3 weeks
  • Catagen
    This stage is when the coat is reaching its maximum length and stops actively growing
  • Telogen
    The telogen phase is when your dogs’ coatis when the coat is dormant.  It has reached its full length and remains attached but is no longer growing but it remains in the follicle
  • Exogen
    This is when the hair reaches the end of its life cycle.  This happens to every hair eventually. Once in the exogen stage the hair is shed from the follicle and the process of anagen starts again.

Shedding and Moulting or Exogen Phase

All Dogs Shed, that is fact just as the human hair dies and regrows so does dog hair.  The reason some do not appear to drop coat everywhere is because the coat may at any time have hair growing in 4 different phases in all different lengths and the hair attaches to other hairs holding into the coat.

Under a microscope the hair reaching the end of its life cycle or Telogen Phase looks like a Christmas tree, with small branches or barbs along the length of the hair shaft.   This split fine coat or barbs acts like Velcro and the hair attach to one another this hair may then start to matt, tangle or become compacted.

Exogen can be triggered by longer lighter days and warmer temperature and anagen may be triggered by cooler temperature.    With many pets living indoors in temperature-controlled homes these phases may be a little out of sync with nature.  This may be why your dog sheds less or more and may vary depending on where you live.

Preventing Matting and reducing Shedding

If your dog’s coat is left unattended, gets dirty or wet it will matt more easily When dog hair becomes wet for example the hair shrinks and tightens further as it dries. This will eventually lead to dreadlocks or compacted coat depending on your dog’s coat type.  Most coats like hand stripped terrier coats or smooth coats such as Labradors even poodle coats, will repel dirt and water more easily when kept in optimum condition.

To prevent your dogs coat becoming matted or compacted and reduce shedding

  • Brush or de shed your dogs coat regularly, a minimum of once a week and anytime before and after it becomes wet, through swimming, washing or running through muddy puddles.
  • Keep your dogs coat clean and well-conditioned, this helps maintain the healthy hair shaft and smooth down those barbs
  • Always rinse thoroughly as shampoo residue will cause dirt to stick to your dog’s coat more.
  • Dry the coat and brush thoroughly using a comb to check for knots in longer coats “remove knots with a brush not a comb”
  • If you have a longer or curly coated breed, keep your dog’s coat trimmed regularly to prevent those split hairs matting.  Longer coated breeds need clipping a minimum of every 8 weeks if they are not brushed in between.  Allowing a dog’s coat to become tightly matted to the skin is painful for your dog and the only thing that can be done is to shave it off extremely short.
  • Maintain your dogs coat through winter months.  Many people worry the dog will get cold and leave grooming aside until we are in the middle or end stages of winter.  Ideally a bath and full brush out once a month from a professional groomer will prevent your dogs coat matting and there will be no need to shave short during the colder months
  • Keep your dog on a healthy diet rich in omega oils, a glossy healthy coat will also shed less and repel dirt and water.
  • Regular de shedding unclogs blocked hair follicles reducing itchy skin and conditions like seborrhoea which results in waxy greasy discharge and foul odours.

The advantages of regular maintenance of your dog’s coat are

  • Less vet bills from itchy clogged follicles causing skin conditions that require antibiotics and anti-inflammatory’s
  • Your dog will smell and feel better
  • Your dog will be able to sleep inside without shedding hair or leaving doggy odours
  • You might stop people who will admire your dog
  • You will be more aware of changes in your dog’s health
  • Your dog will enjoy the attention and love you even more – if that’s possible.
What Are The Signs That Your Dog Loves You?

What Are The Signs That Your Dog Loves You?

April 1, 2019

Everyone know that dogs make extremely loyal and intelligent companions, but do they love us back? The short answer is YES! Dogs express emotions too, they just show it in some weird ways.

Here are a few signs to look out for to see if you and your best mate are truly bonded.

Your Dog Makes Eye Contact

In the human world, it’s polite to make eye contact, but in the dog world it’s actually rude or even aggressive. If you met someone that made you feel unsafe, angry or threatened would you stare into their eyes? The same applies with dogs, they only stare into the eyes of their favourite humans and it means that your dog is happy and comfortable with you

Your Dog Wants To Stay Close To You

If your dog wants to sit on your lap, your feet, your chest or leans on you it’s a pretty clear sign of their adoration. Dogs are sociable pack animals and if they want to follow you around, then it’s another clear sign that they love you. Never mind that privacy in the bathroom is a thing of the past, your dog is just showing how he respects and loves you!

A dog jumping on you is generally not your favourite behaviour but it’s a great indicator that your dog loves you and wants to be close to you. It can be annoying sometimes and it’s tempting to punish your dog every time they jump on you but try rewarding your dog for not jumping on you instead. This makes far more sense when you know they only do it because they love you.

Your Dog Wags Their Tail

Tail wagging, on the face of it might sound like a no-brainer, but there is a little more involved in a tail wag, which can have many different meanings – that aren’t necessarily friendly! A full body wag, along with other positive body signs gives you a pretty clear message that your dog loves you back.

Your Dog Turns Their Back On You

Dogs are pack animals and in the wild, it could be dangerous to turn their backs on a potential threat or something that posed danger. If your dog is comfortable turning their back on you or even sticks it’s butt in your face (while not always appropriate) you know that you have a happy, well adjusted dog that loves and trusts you.

Your Dog Stretches Towards You

The last sign is something that not all pet owners may now. If you have seen your dog stretch in front of you (kind of like a bow), it may not be that they’re just stretching after a snooze, it’s more often than not a “greeting stretch” demonstrating that your dog is saying “I love you and I am happy to see you”

Your Dog Likes To Eat Your Shoes And/Or Socks

If your dog loves you, then they will also love your scent. Scientists have proven that the scent of a dog’s owner triggers the part of their brain that is associated with the reward centre. So if your dog is continually chewing on your shoes, it’s a sure sign that they love you very much!

Your Dog Yawns When You Do

Yawning in contagious, but it’s not limited to humans only. Dogs have been bred to read humans and if your pooch yawns when you do, its showing their canine empathy. There is no clear research on why dogs “catch” our yawns but it’s nice to think they’re doing it because there is a strong bond between you and your dog.

Your Dog Brings You Their Favourite Toy

Your dog will often bring you their toys in order for you to play with them, but that isn’t all. Giving you their favourite toy is a sign of affection. When a dog brings you their favourite ball or toy, it means they see you as the pack leader and thinks you’ll like their toy as much as they do.

Your Dog Lays On You After A Meal

We all know dogs are motivated by food, but if they cuddle you once the food is all gone it’s a very good sign that they really do love you!

You Love Your Dog

A dog can sense when you love them! If you don’t love your dog, then you won’t be getting it back in return!

Why Do Dogs Smell Each Other’s Butts?

Why Do Dogs Smell Each Other’s Butts?

March 14, 2019

It seems a bit gross, but sniffing butts is how dogs gather information about each other. It’s a normal and important ritual that dogs do during greetings. It helps them to find out things about each other and obtain information that they need to get along and survive.

A butt sniff for dogs is a bit like a hand shake for humans but with far more information received.

The hormones in the glands around the rear end of your dog send out a lot of information that dogs need to understand their place in the world. They also have a special part of their noses called the Jacobson’s Organ that lets them ignore the smell of poop (I want one) so they can smell the glands that release the chemicals they need to smell.

A dog’s nose is far more sensitive than ours and they are able to smell up to 100,000 times better than humans. They can ascertain a dog’s diet, gender and emotional state. They can also tell whether they have met before, and receive important cues on how they should behave towards each other.

Stopping your dog from smelling other dogs butts is robbing them of their instinctual behavior and can be the reason why dogs become aggressive when meeting other dogs on a leash as they aren’t able to ascertain their status with the other dog. Allowing them to sniff each other’s butt is a much more polite way for dogs to greet each other, rather than face to face.

Next time you’re tempted to stop your dog greeting another by sniffing their butt, remember that doing so could create additional stress when meeting other dogs in the future.

Does Your Dog Bark At Night And What To Do About It

Does Your Dog Bark At Night And What To Do About It

January 25, 2019

Night time barking is one of the most common nuisance complaints and lets face it, a dog barking all night is very unpleasant for everyone within hearing distance.

Barking at night can be for a number of reasons, it could be that your dog isn’t feeling well, needs the bathroom, is bored or nervous or maybe just responding to noises in the environment.

Punishment or intimidation to stop your dog expressing themselves can increase anxiety and make the behaviour worse. The key is to work out the reasons for the night time barking and solve the issues causing it, in other words to stop night time barking we need to ensure that all of our dog’s needs are met throughout the day.


Young puppies have very poor bladder control and will be homesick. If your puppy has just arrived, then some noise at night is normal, especially if your puppy is learning to sleep alone. Because night time barking can easily become a habit, it’s best to pre-empt the waking pup and get up and take him for a toilet break before the barking starts.


Is your dog receiving enough exercise? Just like us, we all sleep better after a day of healthy exercise and mental enrichment. A dog that is tired out from a visit to the park is more likely to sleep through the night.

Toilet Time

Does your dog have access to some where to toilet through the night or are they given adequate time before bed time?

Separation Can be Hard..

Dogs are social animals and this may be a harder one to tackle. If your dog doesn’t sleep with you at night, but is locked away by himself it could be loneliness or even separation anxiety. You don’t have to allow your dog to sleep with you if you don’t want to, but for the purposes of a good nights sleep, you may want to consider a crate or bed in your room, especially if your dog is getting older. Elderly dogs with failing hearing may find it a comfort to sleep close to their owners.

Check For Disturbances

If your dog starts barking at night, there may be a disturbance causing it. Check for mice, possums etc that may have may have moved into your home or maybe a noisy neighbour. Night time barking can very quickly become a habit, so you should investigate as quickly as possible.

Remove Your Attention

A common mistake is rewarding your dog when it’s barking. If your dog barks at night for whatever reason and you get up and pay them attention or even take the dog to bed with you, your dog will associate barking with gaining your attention and the problem will continue long after the original issue is resolved.

How To Stop It

If you are woken by your dog barking, you should check to ensure there isn’t a genuine reason. If the dog is clearly fine, keep the visit brief and uninteresting. Go back to bed as fast as you can. If you stop reinforcing the bad behaviour it will diminish and eventually stop.

Health Check

If all the above have been eliminated, then it’s a good idea to get a vet check just to be sure that there is not an underlying health issue. Senior dogs can also suffer from Canine Cognitive Dysfunction (Doggie Dementia) and if they are exhibiting unusual behaviours, you should seek vet advice.

Why Is Your Dog’s Stomach Making Noises And Is It Normal?

Why Is Your Dog’s Stomach Making Noises And Is It Normal?

January 21, 2019

The gurgling noises you hear from your dog’s stomach are caused by gas moving around in the intestines. Just like us, it is normal for there to be some activity in the intestines, but generally is pretty quiet. If you aren’t sure, place your ear against your dog’s stomach. You should hear periods of quiet with occasional soft gurgles. This is what all of our stomachs sound like as well.

Sometimes just like us, dogs will have episodes of loud gurgling. Sometimes they are so loud that you may be able to hear them from across the room. While these noises aren’t entirely normal, they also don’t necessarily mean there’s a problem.

How Loud Is Loud?

Normal, quiet gurgling occur when normal quantities of gas are moved through the intestines in a normal fashion. Abnormally loud intestinal noises occur when the intestines contain abnormally large quantities of gas, or when the intestines experience abnormally increased activity. Both of these phenomena often occur simultaneously.

Is your dog’s stomach making noises because he’s hungry?

One of the most common causes of your dog’s stomach making noises is when your dog is hungry. Intestines of hungry animals do not contain significant quantities of food. Therefore they have a higher ratio of gas to solids. And the empty intestines might start to exhibit activity in response to anticipated feeding. The result will be audible intestinal noises, or “tummy grumbling.” Breakfast is the treatment for this type of intestinal gurgling.

Is your dog’s stomach making noises because he ate something strange — or something he shouldn’t have?

Unfortunately, hunger is not the only thing that can cause loud intestinal gurgling.

Dietary indiscretion, such as occurs when dogs break into the trash or feast on novel food items, is a common cause of a dog’s stomach making noises. This type of gastrointestinal upset often is mild (it can be compared to what might happen when a person who doesn’t usually eat spicy food goes to a Thai restaurant).

However, be aware that dietary indiscretion in some cases can lead to very severe vomiting or diarrhea, or to other complications such as pancreatitis in dogs.

Other reasons for your dog’s stomach making noises

Other potentially serious causes of your dog’s stomach making noises include intestinal parasites, inflammatory bowel disease, gastrointestinal foreign bodies, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, certain toxicities, adverse reactions to medications, metabolic problems such as liver or kidney disease, glandular disorders and even cancer of the intestines.

What to do about your dog’s stomach making noises

So, how worried should you be about your dog’s stomach making noises, and what should you do? It depends upon the circumstances. If it’s the morning, and your dog appears to be feeling fine but has not yet been fed, consider offering breakfast. If he eats with his normal enthusiasm and the noises stop, there probably isn’t a problem.

On the other hand, if your dog’s stomach is making noises in combination with symptoms such as mild lethargy or slightly poor appetite, a problem could be brewing. You should brace yourself for possible diarrhea or vomiting (although these are not guaranteed to develop), and consider offering an easily digestible diet such as boiled boneless, skinless chicken breast with steamed white rice.

If your dog is producing loud intestinal noises and he seems sick, then you should seek veterinary care immediately. Symptoms that should signal alarm include significant lethargy, significantly depressed appetite or thirst, diarrhea and especially vomiting.

If you are in doubt about whether your dog needs to see the vet, the safest option is always to take him in. It is better to err on the side of caution in these types of circumstances.

Are your dog’s stomach noises painful?

Some people wonder whether loud intestinal noises are painful. Again, it depends on the circumstances surrounding your dog’s stomach making noises. Hunger pangs are not especially miserable, but the cramps associated with some of the more serious causes of loud borborygmi can be downright agonizing. Painful gurgling noises are usually accompanied by lethargy and poor appetite. If your dog seems to be in pain, then a trip to the vet is in order.

Finally, some dogs experience loud intestinal noises on a regular basis. If you notice a dog’s stomach making noises — loudly — many times per week, then you should use the presence (or hopefully the absence) of other symptoms to guide your response. Dogs who experience regular loud stomach gurgling in conjunction with episodes of diarrhea or poor appetite might be suffering from inflammatory bowel disease, parasites, or some other chronic intestinal disorder that should be treated.

Dogs who feel fine but produce loud intestinal noises regularly probably don’t have anything wrong (although you should have your vet confirm it). After all, some individuals are gassier than others, and some intestines are naturally more active than others.

Keeping Your Pooch Safe At Christmas

Keeping Your Pooch Safe At Christmas

December 17, 2018

Christmas is nearly here and that means lots of celebrating with friends and family, but a lot of the fun things that we associate with Christmas can be dangerous or harmful for our pets


Poinsetta, Mistletoe and Holly are all toxic to dogs. Be sure that they are placed higher up with they are inaccessible for your pets to reach.

Christmas Food

We love our Christmas pudding, chocolates and roast meat that come with Christmas, but some of these ingredients can be toxic to our pets. Be sure to never leave plates unattended and monitor what your dog is eating.


With all of the festivities, some dogs do get anxious with the high-pitched noises of children playing. Make sure all children know how to behave around your dog to keep every one safe. Sometimes your pooch may need some down time away from the festivities, so keep an eye out for the warning signs that your dog may have had enough.

Christmas Trees

Trees look like a ball of fun to our pooches, but with electrical wiring and the risk of the tree falling and injuring them, make sure your pooch is always supervised if they have a tendency to want to play with your tree.


As much as we all love spoiling our dogs with little treats, be aware that a little can quickly become too much when everyone gives your dog a treat. Ask your guests not to feed your dog.


Fire works and parties are very prevalent throughout Christmas and it can all become a little too much. Look out for the warning signs and keep your pooch in a quiet, safe retreat where they can rest without being disturbed.

Most importantly, enjoy this time of year with your pooch and relax! Have a very safe and merry Christmas from all of us at the Jim’s Dog Wash Family.

What Happens If Your Dog Eats Onions Or Garlic?

What Happens If Your Dog Eats Onions Or Garlic?

November 12, 2018

Most of us know that our dogs shouldn’t eat onions or garlic, but very few of us actually know why.

Onions and garlic contain an ingredient called thiosulphate which is toxic to cats and dogs. All onions whether cooked or raw can be dangerous

While a stray piece of onion won’t actually hurt your dog, the danger is that the toxins can build up in the dog’s system. This means that a point can be reached where the exposure can make your pooch very unwell with an illness called hemolytic anemia. This condition destroys the dog’s red blood cells, causing them to burst and can be fatal.

It generally takes between two to four days for symptoms to appear, which can include breathlessness, lethargy, diarrhea and vomiting. Your dog may also lose interest in food.

A small bite of something (if you drop it on the floor and your dog is too quick for you) won’t really harm your pooch and besides, dogs generally don’t like the taste of onions. But to be safe, keep all onions and garlic products away from your dog, try to avoid feeding your pooch table scraps as the amounts in food can sometime be hard to gauge.

If you think larger quantities have been consumed or your dog isn’t feeling well, see the vet straight away.

How To Clean Your Dog’s Ears And How Often?

How To Clean Your Dog’s Ears And How Often?

November 6, 2018

Dog Owners often ask if they should be cleaning their dog’s ears and how often. The answer is yes, but how often depends on the breed.

Some dogs are more prone to developing ear infections, depending upon the breed. Dogs with floppy ears (that hang down, like a Cocker Spaniel) are more prone to infections, this is because their ears don’t get as much air flow, so ear wax, debris and moisture can get trapped inside the ear canal. Other breeds like Poodles grow hair inside the ear canal, which can limit the air flow too and lead to infection. Other causes can be parasites, mites and allergies, or simply grass seeds.

Jim’s Dog Wash Groomers will check and clean your dog’s ears as part of the routine grooming and they can usually pick up any issues before your dog starts showing symptoms (like shaking their head or scratching at their ears) but sometimes your pooch may need additional cleaning to prevent any infections.

Signs of ear problems

Getting to know your dog’s ears can help you to detect and prevent ear problems and infections. If your dog’s ears look red, itchy or inflamed or are smelly, you should see your vet before you start cleaning as likely there is already an infection and cleaning won’t resolve it.

How To Clean Your Dog’s Ears At Home

Always use a vet approved ear cleaner, you can buy ear cleaner from your vets or your Jim’s Dog Wash franchisee can supply it for you.

To clean the ears, squeeze a little bit of ear cleaner into the ear and let it drip down into the ear canal. Gently massage the base of the ear to suds up the cleaner and help it break down wax and debris. Let your dog shake his head then use cotton wool to wipe out the folds at the opening of the ear canal until it looks clean.

What About Plucking Ear Hair

If your dog grows a lot of hair in their ear canal, plucking can be beneficial prior to cleaning. If you are unsure, please speak to your Jim’s Dog Wash franchisee who can demonstrate or do it for you.

Remember though in some cases there are no early signs so for the best ear care you must always do a regular Vet check. Furthermore, if you have any concerns it’s best to get your pooch checked by a vet.

Dogs get jealous and a bunch of other facts you probably didn’t know!

Dogs get jealous and a bunch of other facts you probably didn’t know!

November 1, 2018

According to scientists, dogs do suffer from jealousy, the same as humans. Researchers studied dogs and their behaviours and found that most were indifferent when their owners ignored them, but if their owners gave attention to a stuffed dog, their pooches’ behaviour changed dramatically, sparking snapping and snarling at the stuffed toy.

The discovery shows that while dogs may be man’s best friend, there’s still a lot that we don’t know about them!

Dogs don’t feel guilt

Scientists believe that while dogs experience jealousy when their owners give attention to others, but if they chew up your favourite shoes, they may look ashamed but don’t expect them to feel guilty as they don’t experience these emotions.

Researchers say that the puppy dog eyes are not a sign of guilt, but their reaction to being scolded.

Dogs See In Colour

While dogs may not see colours as vividly as we do, they only have two cones in their eyes to detect colours (humans have three), meaning that dogs can see colours on the blue and yellow scale but cannot distinguish between red and green. Dogs do, however have better night vision.

Dogs have way better senses

Dogs can see UV light and don’t need a compass because they can sense the earth’s magnetic fields. It’s believed that they hear some of the ultrasound waves like bats.

Smarter Than We Think They Are

Research shows that dogs can understand up to 250 words and gestures and can perform simple mathematical calculations. The smartest are Poodles, German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers and Dobermans.

Shake It Out

Dogs can shake 70% of the water out of their fur in four seconds, generating more G-force than F1 drivers experience in sharp corners

Puppy Love

Dogs can fall in love. Dog’s brains release oxytocin – the love hormone when it interacts with humans and dogs, just the same as a human brain

Man’s Best Friend

Research shows that dogs are more confident exploring the world with their owner is by their side. Scientists have found that dogs owner’s smell can spark activation of the “reward centre” of a dog’s brain, hence the reason that our dogs are always so happy to see us!

Left or Right

Around 90% of the human population is right handed, but with dogs the split is even with around a third right pawed, one third left pawed and the rest ambidextrous. Research shows that right pawed dogs tend to be bolder and more inquisitive and are more suited as guide dogs. Left pawed dogs tend to be more aggressive.

Puppy Training Tips!

Puppy Training Tips!

October 2, 2018

So you’ve got a new puppy? It’s never too early to start training and here our five top tips to help you!

  1. Think of your puppy as a toddler who has no concept of right or wrong, and needs to be taught. Repetition and consistency are key.
  2. Puppies want nothing more than to please you, they just need to know how. Be consistent!
  3. Socialize and expose your puppy to people and other dogs! Introduce your puppy to as many places as you can, and to as many people and other dogs.
  4. Naps are important for your puppy. Be sure to give him the space and time he needs to relax. Try not to overwhelm him. Like a baby, he’ll need frequent naps during the day.
  5. Don’t forget to introduce your puppy to regular grooming as soon as possible so that they become used to the process and don’t become stressed or anxious when it’s time for their grooming.
Top Ten Tips To Keep Your Dog Happy and Healthy

Top Ten Tips To Keep Your Dog Happy and Healthy

September 12, 2018

  1. Visit the Vet. Annual check ups with the vet can catch illnesses before they become big problems.
  2. Prevent Fleas. Fleas cause itchy skin but can also be the cause of allergies that can cause anaemia and tapeworms
  3. Prevent heartworm. Heartworm can be fatal and prevention is far better than a cure.
  4. Exercise every day. Exercise isn’t just important for maintaining a healthy weight, it will keep your dog mentally healthy as well.
  5. Watch your dog’s weight. Lack of exercise and overfeeding can cause arthritis, liver disease and coronary disease. Your dog can’t decide how much or what is the best food to eat, only you can do that.
  6. Stay away from dangerous foods. Alcohol, coffee, chocolate, avocado, onions, grapes, salt and garlic can all be poisonous to dogs.
  7. Brush those teeth. Bad breath can be the first sign of gum or teeth problems. The same as humans, dogs teeth retain particles of food. Infection can lead to tooth decay and ultimately can affect your pet’s health.
  8. Vaccinate. Protect your dog against the more serious diseases.
  9. Regular health checks. The best way to prevent health issues is to ensure that your dog is checked regularly. Look for swelling, scabs or flakey skin, check the eyes and ears for any sign of redness or infection. Your Jim’s Dog Wash Groomer can also undertake regular checks as part of the groom.
  10. Regular Grooming. Regular grooming will keep your dog’s coat and skin in top condition, but it will also help your dog become used to being handled so that they don’t become too stressed when they do need to be groomed.
Top Tips To Change Your Dog’s Behaviour

Top Tips To Change Your Dog’s Behaviour

September 5, 2018

Dogs are brilliant learners and harsh reprimands can make them afraid of you, doing more harm than good. Studies show that rewarding positive behaviour will get better outcomes and here are our top tips to help you:

  • Establish Consistent Rules. No amount of training is going to work unless all members of the family are on the same page. Sometimes the biggest problem is that each family member is rewarding different behaviours.
  • Reward Only The Good Behaviour. We often reward our dogs for bad behaviour without realising. Do you hate it when your dog jumps up on you, but you continue to pat them and without realising, encourage the behaviour? Or do you have a dog that drives you crazy with wanting you to throw the ball until you give up and throw it to stop him?
  • Ignore Unwanted Behaviour. Next time your dog jumps up on you, try looking elsewhere and walking away. Call your dog and ask him to sit, then when he gets it right give him a reward. If he continues to jump on you, ignore him and repeat until he gets it right.
  • Exercise. Is your dog getting enough exercise and receiving enough mental stimulation? When we exercise our dogs, there is a lot more going on than simply tiring them out. When dogs (just like humans) exercise it releases endorphins in our brains that make us feel good. Exercise helps us all to maintain focus while providing mental stimulation.
Getting Your Dog Ready For Spring

Getting Your Dog Ready For Spring

August 13, 2018

Spring is almost here and the weather is starting to warm up, so it’s time to get your dog prepared for the season to ensure that you both get the most of summer.

As the weather heats up the parasites that can attack your dog also come out. Now is the time to start looking at prevention for fleas, ticks and heartworms. Flea bites itch and can lead to scratching, licking and biting at the skin. In addition to skin irritation, fleas can cause hair loss and tapeworms. Dogs with particularly bad reactions to fleas may get hot spots, or red, itchy spots on the skin that often appear moist and oozing. Your dog should have at least one vet visit a year and spring is the best time to make sure all of the vaccines are up to date and ensure your dogs health for the warmer months.

You should also clean your dog’s bedding. A mild detergent or some vinegar should be enough to get rid of the fur, dander and bacteria that built up over the colder season. Bedding should be cleaned every three months to kill flea eggs and parasites.

With the warmer months ahead there will be more time spent outside, it’s a good time to check your fencing and make sure that it is safe and secure as well as checking for any hazards that may harm your dog while playing. Your dog may use the holes in fences and get lost or could be injured while trying to escape.

We all tend to be a little less active over winter and our dogs may have added a little weight over the colder months. With warm weather on the way and just like us, our dogs need to slowly start back into an exercise program. Increasing exercise too quickly can result in injuries (just like us). Go slow and everyone will be fit and healthy to enjoy the summer months.

This is the time of year when your dog will start shedding all their winter coat. The best thing that you can do is brush your dog regularly to keep the shedding under control, you may need to invest in a specific brush designed for shedding. Use a brush with soft bristles that massage the skin and helps to loosen up dry skin as well so that the dead hair and dandruff are removed and the coat gets a new, fresh look. To help with grooming, here are a few tips:

  • If your dog’s coat is looking a bit dry, try using a gentle pet conditioner
  • Check to make sure that the ears are clean and have no sign of mites
  • Brush Brush Brush!
  • Nails also need to be clipped. If you aren’t comfortable doing this let your groomer know and they can do it for you.

For dogs with longer or double coats, you should consider opting into a regular grooming program with your local Jim’s Dog Wash franchisee who can help with flea and tick management along with the maintenance of your dog’s healthy coat. To book in with one of our franchisees, please call 131546 or book online at https://jimsdogwash.net.au/

How To Keep Your Dog’s Coat Healthy

How To Keep Your Dog’s Coat Healthy

June 12, 2018

Shiny coats are a sign of good nutrition, proper maintenance and an indication of the dog’s overall health. If you want your dog’s coat to really shine, then diet is the first place to look.

In the wild, dogs eat a variety of food that consists mostly of raw meat, raw bones, organs, other tissues as well as undigested vegetable matter, so it’s not surprising that meat alone won’t provide everything that your dog needs.

On top of that, dog’s dietary requirements change depending on the stage of their life and activity level. A growing puppy needs high levels of protein, to develop strong bones and muscles, whereas too much protein for an older dog can over work the kidneys and shorten their life.

The best way to make sure that your dog has a great coat is to provide everything a dog needs in their diet. Low quality foods or homemade diets often aren’t properly balanced to ensure that your dog is getting all the nutrients for a healthy and shiny coat. Healthy fats are important when it comes to keeping the coat in it’s best condition. Most good quality foods contain omega-3 and pet stories also sell supplements which can also help with skin disorders. Itchy skin can be reduced, due to the anti-inflammatory effects of omega fatty acids.

Your local Jim’s Dog Wash groomer can help you to establish a regular bathing and grooming routine. This will improve the oxygen supply to your dog’s skin, remove old hair and allow oils in the skin to be passed over the dog’s coat, keeping it healthy. Your groomer will also check for parasites, which can cause dry skin or more serious issues.

Contact Jim’s Dog Wash on 131546 or book online to have a chat with your local groomer to establish a routine which will benefit your dog.

Caring for our pets

Caring for our pets

May 15, 2018


And so as pet owners, we also need to understand the benefits of regular grooming routines.

A clean pet is a happy pet.

Keeping the coat free of dirt, tangles and external parasites, removing loose hair, no hair in the eyes, clipped nails, trimmed pads all make for a pet that is comfortable.


Serious side effects occur when we neglect to groom our pets. We encourage a variety of issues which can lead to expensive vet bills and difficult or even aggressive behaviour from your pet. Long hair hanging over your pet’s eyes can restrict vision altering the pet’s capabilities and behaviour. When long hair is not brushed and washed regularly, pets often suffer matting and can load your pet with extra weight.

Matting of the hair can be painful and cause serious skin conditions. Severe matting restricts blood flow, pulling tightly on a pet’s skin and making a simple pat painful. In some cases, matting can be so severe that it restricts body movement leading to deformity.

Overgrown nails can be very painful, with long nails growing into the paw pads. Long nails can cause your pet’s toes to bend and create a walking disfigurement.

Double coating from irregular brushing leads to extra coat causing your pet to suffer heat stress.

Grass seeds will not be easily detected if you are not hands-on with your grooming. Undetected grass seeds can lead to abscesses, severe infection, sometimes major surgery for your dog which means expensive vet bills for you.

Fleas, ticks and mites are some of the most common parasites that can thrive on dirty and untreated bodies.


How often your dog needs grooming will vary with age, lifestyle, type of coat and health issues but most breeds will benefit from a 4 – 6 week schedule, some even going on a weekly or fortnightly routine.


  • A pet that looks and smells nice, plus your best friend will be free from discomfort, feel great and behave well.
  • Reduced risk of eye, ear & skin infections. You will ensure your pet is free from pain and disease.
  • Lower medical bills as regular grooming will prevent disease and catch many health issues before they become an emergency.
  • Regular nail trims will help keep the nails short but helps reinforce healthy foot structure and posture, and reduces the risk of infection
  • Shiny, healthy and properly brushed coats will shed less


How do I manage fleas on my pets?

Fleas can be easily controlled provided you follow a few simple steps.

  • Seek advice from your vet as to the most appropriate product to use on your pet.
  • To completely manage the outbreak it is important to treat your pet, its bedding, and your house at the same time.

Your efforts will be wasted if you only focus on treating your pet alone.

  • You should treat areas where pets sleep and play on a weekly basis whether fleas are present or not.
  • DO NOT issue your pet with tablet or liquid flea treatments and then within 24-48hrs of doing so proceed to wash them with a flea rinse shampoo.

This is doubling up on product and can cause serious illness, even death.


If issuing via liquid or tablet form, always purchase the correct treatment relative to your dog’s weight.

If unsure, Contact your Vet for further advice.

What Does Your Dog Dream About?

What Does Your Dog Dream About?

April 9, 2018

Have you ever watched your dog sleeping and seen his legs twitch or his paws moving? It’s impossible not to think that they are dreaming, but for many years scientists weren’t sure if animals could dream in the way that humans do.

Following a series of studies where the brain activity of rats was monitored going about their business during the day and then compared to the patterns in the brain while they slept, scientists have been able to finally prove that animals do dream just like us.

No one completely understands the process of dreaming, but it is thought that it helps the brain to process information and experiences throughout the day, hence the reasons that puppies (and human babies) sleep so much, because their brains have so much more to process.

Sigmund Freud once theorised that dreaming is like a safety valve for all of our unconscious desires, it’s fun to imagine that this is correct and our dogs are dreaming about non-stop pats, unlimited treats and chasing their favourite ball!

In reality, as humans, we tend to dream about the things that we see throughout the day and studies show that dogs are no different. Dogs can also experience nightmares or bad dreams as well.  Animals that have been mistreated or come from unhappy homes tend to whimper in their sleep or show signs of being frightened, while a happy dog will paddle his legs as though running, wag his tail or twitch his nose.

It’s very likely that dogs dream about the things they see and do throughout the day, so the best way to give your dog the best dreams, is to give them lots of fun day time experiences with plenty of sleep in a safe and warm environment.

If dogs do dream about the things that interest them, then it strongly points to our pets dreaming about us. Our dogs are attached to us and it makes sense that they would dream about the person they care about the most!

Dogs sleep about half of their day, so they have plenty of time to dream about their owners as well as their other doggie favourites.

Jim’s Dog Wash can help with pampering your best friend and ensuring that they have lots of fun, happy thoughts to dream about. Our mobile operators come to your home to wash and groom your dog in a warm and safe environment where there are no other dogs barking or threatening them.

Your dog will never be far from you (their favourite person) and you can rest assured that our fully trained franchisees know how to pamper and spoil your dog.

Call Jim’s Dog Wash today on 131546 or book online here

Preparing Your Dog For Autumn

Preparing Your Dog For Autumn

March 28, 2018

With summer over and the cooler time of the year about to begin, there are some necessities that your best friend will need to prepare for the coming winter months. Changing seasons means changes in your dog’s nutrition and lifestyle and here are a few tips to ensure your best friend is healthy and happy.

With the cooler weather approaching, your dog may need new bedding or additional blankets to keep warm, especially if they sleep outside. If your dog spends a lot of time indoors, heating can lead to the skin and coat drying out. To keep moisture in the coat you can increase omega 3 into the diet to promote healthy skin and coat over the winter months. Fish such as salmon and whitefish are a great source of omega 3. If your dog wears a coat during winter, be aware that the jumper can rub on your dog’s fur, especially around the neck and front legs causing painful mats if you aren’t brushing regularly.

As the day gets shorter, some of your regular walks may take place in the dark. If you don’t have the proper gear to walk your dog at night, now is a good time to start thinking about it. You can purchase reflective gear for yourself and your dog, as well as light leashes (leashes that provide a light).

With the extra leaf litter and extra moisture trapped on the ground, we see an abundance of mushrooms growing in our back yards and while we are out walking. While most of mushrooms are non toxic, dogs are more susceptible to poisoning because of their wandering and their indiscriminate appetites, so keep an eye on your dog with a curious nose.

Contrary to popular belief ticks and fleas can still be prevalent in the cooler months and the build up of leaf litter is a tick’s favourite environment, so remember to keep up your flea and tick program.

Regular grooming is more important in winter, the most common misconception is that dogs don’t need regular grooming in winter and owners allow the coats to grow longer. Dogs will grow thicker coats to combat the cold but you still need to keep the coat neat for the insulation to work it’s best. Without regular grooming, your dog’s fur can become matted and cause discomfort and skin problems.

Dogs paws are also more susceptible to damage in the muddy and cold conditions. Hair between paws should be trimmed neatly to avoid mud being stuck between the paw and pads, which can cause infections and discomfort.

You should still wash your dog during winter, just be sure to dry them off completely so that they don’t get too cold afterwards. Jim’s Dog Wash uses force driers and has warm water on board to ensure that your pooch is warm, clean and completely dry.

If you want to keep your dog warm, comfortable and looking their best, call our friendly team on 131546.

Keeping Double Coated Breeds Cool In Summer

Keeping Double Coated Breeds Cool In Summer

March 6, 2018

A dog’s undercoat is exactly as it sounds, it’s a second coat beneath the outer coat that keeps your dog warm in winter and cool in summer. Breeds that are native to colder areas generally tend to have undercoats and these include the German Shepherd, Pomeranian, Chow, Husky, Malamute and Samoyed.

Double coated breeds have long and course outer coats that protects the undercoat that is usually fluffy and soft. While dogs shed their outer coat all year round, the undercoat is usually shed seasonally.

Breeds with an undercoat require a lot of maintenance all year round, but need a full deshed and blow out at each change of the season. You need to brush the undercoat all year round to prevent any matting and during shedding time to remove all of the loose fur. This can be done with a rake or a deshedding tool.

Shaving a double coated dog is rarely done for the below reasons:

  • The purpose of the undercoat is to keep them cooler in summer and warm in winter. The top coat with the tougher guard hairs protect your dog from the sun’s rays and insect bites.
  • In summer, your dog will shed the soft undercoat, just leaving behind the guard hairs. Without the undercoat, the air cannot circulate beneath the outer hair and cannot keep the skin cool.
  • Single coated breeds have hair that just keeps growing, double coated breeds only grow their fur to a certain length. If you shave a single coated breed, the coat will grow back without any change. Shaving a double-coated breed can really ruin the coat.
  • If you do shave your double coated dog, the new hair will grow back but the undercoat will grow first. The guard hairs are slower to grow. The texture of the new coat coming through tends to be sticky and all manner of grass seeds, twigs and plants will stick to the dog’s coat
  • The texture of the soft undercoat will absorb the sun’s rays, making your dog hotter in summer.
  • Shaving a double coated dog does not reduce shedding

The best way to keep your dog cool in summer is to ensure that your dog is groomed regularly and has a de-shed at the beginning of each season to remove all of the dead hair and to ensure that the outer coat can work as it is intended, as an insulator.

Brushing alone does not get all the undercoat. Brushing in conjunction with regular bathing promotes shedding and then drying with a high velocity drier to push out a lot of the undercoat.

The best thing to reduce/prevent shedding is to have regular grooming every 4 weeks. Speak to your local Jim’s Dog Wash franchisee, who can put your dog on a regular cycle for grooming to keep your dog’s coat in top condition.

Call Jim’s Dog Wash on 131546 to speak to one of fully trained operators who can advise you on a schedule that suits you and your dog.

Keeping Your Pooch Cool In Summer

Keeping Your Pooch Cool In Summer

February 16, 2018

Australian summer means lots of fun outdoor activities with your pooch but when the temperature really soars, Jim’s Dog Wash has a few tips to keep your dog cool.

Some dogs do struggle with the heat more than others, long-haired dogs or breeds with undercoats like Huskys, Border Collies and Chow Chows will feel the heat more than short-haired dogs. Pugs, Bull Dogs and Boston Terriers have flat-shaped faces and can’t pant as well as other breeds to regulate their body temperature and can overheat very quickly

Keep Your Dog Cool And Hydrated

  • Plenty of fresh drinking water is a must. You can even add ice cubes into their water to keep your pooch cool.
  • A small wading pool can be fun if your pooch likes the water
  • Make cool treats, help your pooch keep cool from the inside. You can freeze chicken stock, chicken pieces or carrot pieces in an ice cube tray and give them to your dog for an extra special summer time treat.

Regular Doggie Baths

  • Bathing your dog every 2 weeks helps to keep your pooch clean if they have been swimming in lakes or the beach, this will also give you or your groomer an opportunity to check for ticks
  • Regular grooming will help with shedding and help to remove the heavy undercoat to keep your dog cooler.

Sun Protection

  • Have your dog inside or provide a proper outdoor shelter for your dog to keep them out of the direct sun.
  • Never leave your dog alone inside of a car during summer.
  • Zinc is toxic to dogs so make sure if you are using sunscreen that it’s natural and zinc free.

Getting Fit

  • It is best to take your dog for walks either in the early morning or late afternoon when the sun is not too hot. Remember, if it’s too hot for you it will be too hot for your pooch as well.
  • Be careful of dog’s feet if you walk on the road or concrete.
  • Be careful not to over exercise your pooch. Constant panting and drooling are both signs that your dog has had more than enough exercise.
Grooming Short Haired Dogs

Grooming Short Haired Dogs

February 7, 2018

Grooming short haired dogs is not difficult, but it does require a little knowledge about the correct tools of the trade. A little time grooming will go a long way toward improving the bond between you and your dog, as well as minimising the annoying fur all over the house.

Most dogs shed, especially at this time of year when the seasons are changing, it either drops out if the coat is short, or gets stuck in the coat and creates mats and knots if it’s long but there is something we can do about both, and so can you at home.

Anything from a short coated Chihuahua or Great Dane, can benefit from a de-shedding treatment. Here’s what to do.

First a nice warm wash and shampoo with lots of bubbles and a good scrub with a rubber curry brush to loosen the dead coat that’s ready to shed out. Then rinse really well and you should already see a lot of fur flushing away. A light conditioner can help too, but be sure to rinse even more thoroughly after that. In the parlour we would use a force dryer to blow a lot more out of the coat, but at home you can still achieve a reasonable result after your dog is completely dry using something like a “Furminator”

Stroke the “Furminator” over the coat keeping it flat and horizontal to the body and you should get a lot of fur coming out. Keep working around the entire dog moving gently when you get near the bony areas, as well as removing all that fur that is about to drop out, the coat should take on a nice shine. Lastly, just a wipe over with a slightly damp chamois will pick up any strays you might have stirred up.

Whether you do it yourself or call Jim’s Dog Wash, you should notice a huge difference around the house.

Customer Demand Surges As Jim’s Dog Wash Approaches 2018

Customer Demand Surges As Jim’s Dog Wash Approaches 2018

December 26, 2017

As 2017 comes to a close, Jim’s Dog Wash, celebrates another very busy year, servicing more than 15,000 customers across Australia and New Zealand. Unfortunately, over 13,000 customers were also turned away due to the shortage of operators, equating to over $700,000 of work that current franchisees were unable to service.

Divisional Franchisor, Sharon Connell, said Jim’s Dog Wash has an absolute commitment to customer service and it is central to everything that we do, couple this with the trusted Jim’s brand and it is a win-win for customers and franchisees alike.

Jim’s Dog Wash is seeing very significant trends during the last 12 months, mostly due to the busy lifestyle of our clientele:

  • Increased demand for mobile grooming services as time poor owners want to fit grooming in with their busy lifestyles;
  • The most increased jobs for Jim’s Dog Wash was specific breed style grooms; and
  • Continued success for Franchisees in the Jim’s Dog Wash

The biggest benefit of being part of the Jim’s Dog Wash brand is that franchisees can achieve their financial and lifestyle goals at the same time, with many opportunities for those that want to build a career. John and Liz Ten Hoopen started as franchisees in 2014 in Adelaide, South Australia. Since that time, they have grown to be very successful franchisees with two trailers on the road earning a fantastic income, while still being able to spend time with their busy family.

John and Liz have recently taken on the role of Regional Franchisor in North Adelaide and are very excited for 2018 and looking forward to sharing their knowledge and expertise in business and in Dog Grooming.

Jims Dog Wash is anticipating a busy 12 months ahead with new area managers in Tasmania, South Australia, Victoria, Queensland and New Zealand with the plan to recruit new franchisees to keep up with the demand for Dog Washing and Grooming Services and to reduce the number of customers being turned away due to lack of operators.

Jim’s Group is currently hard pressed to recruit enough Franchisees as customer enquiries have surged in 2017 and continue to surge. Even though franchise numbers have risen five per cent over the past year, the number of leads have grown by 15 per cent since 2016.

CEO of Jim’s Group, Jim Penman, said he attributes recent growth to an increased focus on outstanding customer service, with automated review and feedback systems.

Recent improvements in customer service are driven by heavy investments in IT. Jim’s Group now spends more than $1 million dollars per year on software development to increase efficiency and improve service to customers and Franchisees.

Increased customer demand is even more remarkable given:

  • Franchisees are encouraged not to compete locally on price;
  • Customer surveys suggest that around 75% of leads result in work being done; and
  • Advertising is being scaled back. In some areas, the advertising contribution of around $150 per month has to be given back to the Franchisees because it is simply not needed.

Customers are also reassured that Jim’s Group work is covered by a Warranty Fund that is funded by a once-off charge to new Franchisees (mostly $100). For example, the Group’s biggest ever pay-out was $120,000 to replace a very large fence that proved to be substandard, but such claims are rare, as evidenced by the fact that the Warranty Fund is currently $70,000 in surplus.

The sheer volume of current leads has made it much easier to put on Franchisees than in the past. In addition, there are leadership opportunities in the growing number of new Divisions – 52 at last count.

Of the existing 3800 Franchisees, the age range varies from 20 to 73 years of age and includes people from myriad backgrounds and cultures. During 2017 there has been growing interest in owning a franchise from two distinct groups of people:

  • Those who are familiar with earning good incomes but finding themselves less employable as they reach their late 40s or early 50s; and
  • People who simply want an independent and balanced lifestyle with more family time. Though the average Franchise income is around $100,000 per annum (Jim’s Group does not record what Franchisees earn), top Franchisees can earn into the millions.

To enquire about booking a Jim’s Dog Wash service or becoming a franchisee, please visit https://www.jims.net/

About Jim’s Group

When Jim Penman studied his PhD in history, it wasn’t remotely on his radar to build a multimillion dollar global franchise business. Jim mowed lawns part-time to make his way through university. In 1982, having failed to secure an academic post, he launched a full-time business with a marketing budget of $24, In 1989 he began franchising. By focusing relentlessly on service to Franchisees and customers, and being highly selective as to who he put on, the business grew into what is now a national brand.

From mowing lawns, to cleaning houses or installing antennas Jim’s Group has 52 Divisions and 3,800 Franchisees in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United Kingdom. The Group estimates that it serves more than 100,000 customers each week.

The Jim’s Group headquarters is on a sprawling campus in Mooroolbark where Franchisees regularly meet for training and business development. It also doubles as a popular reception centre, with a special focus on church groups and non-profits.

Interesting Fact About Dogs You Probably Didn’t Know

Interesting Fact About Dogs You Probably Didn’t Know

December 19, 2017

Dogs are thought to have been domesticated somewhere around 12,000 years ago. Nowadays there are over 150 different breeds of dogs and with so many different types, it’s not surprising that there is a bunch of things you didn’t know about your best friend

Tongue Freckles

Any breed can have a tongue with dark pigment that ranges from blue to black in colour, however there are some breeds that are more prone to it. The Chow and the Chinese Shar-Pei have a blue or black tongue with no pink at all. The blue/black on a dog’s tongue are areas containing extra pigment. It is like a freckle or a birthmark on a person.

Dogs have their own finger (Nose) print.

Just as humans can be identified by their fingerprints, dogs can be identified by their nose prints.  A dog’s nose print is unique, just as no two human fingerprints are the same, you will see lines forming patterns that are completely individual to that dog.

Some places in the United States have already adopted dog nose printing as a common way of identifying lost dogs and the Canadian Kennel Club has been accepting dog nose prints as proof of identity since 1938.  Nose printing is a reliable way of matching identity, as dog tags can easily be lost or even stolen, however, in Australia microchipping and the presence of a dog collar is still considered standard practice to protect your pooch from being lost. Microchipping involves injecting a tiny, rice-sized chip into the fat pad between a dog’s shoulders. Microchipping is compulsory throughout Australia, except in the Northern Territory and South Australia.

And while we are talking about noses..

Dogs can smell thousands of times better than humans. Their noses have millions more scent receptors—for example, a human nose averages 5 million while a Dachshund’s has 125 million—making them useful in sniffing out drugs, dead bodies, bed bugs, explosives, and more.

It’s All In The Name

“Fido” is Latin for fidelity. Need we say more?

Smart Dogs

According to researcher Stanley Coren, the smartest, best-trained breeds are comparable to a 2-year-old child in their ability to understand human speech.  The smartest breeds (with good training) can understand up to 250 words, while the average dog can process 150. Poodles, German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers and Dobermans are thought to be the smartest, while the older breeds like Hound Dogs, Bulldogs and Beagles are thought to be the slow learners of the dog family. These breeds were bread for their ability to hunt and sniff (brawn over brain)

Sweaty Paws

Contrary to what most people think, dogs do not sweat by salivating. They sweat through the pores of their feet. Some pet owners might notice the faint scent of corn chips or popcorn lingering around their dog. This is called “frito feet,” and it happens when sweat and bacteria builds up in the paws.


The dog’s earliest ancestor is the Miacis, a small, weasel like creature that lived 40 million years ago. The Miacis is also the ancestor of wolves, racoons and bears.. The oldest known domesticated breed of dog is thought to be the Saluki, which were originally domesticated by the Egyptians.

They pee what they eat

Dog urine is very high in nitrogen, which can eventually corrode metals. Several lampposts in Croatia actually collapsed because so many dogs were peeing on them. Dog urine can also burn your grass, leaving dead, yellow patches. There are several products on the market that purify the water and minimise the nitrogen and purifying out any toxins. Speak to your local Jim’s Dog Wash Franchisee who can assist you with a solutions.

Puppy Grooming

Puppy Grooming

December 1, 2017

Scientific evidence suggests that grooming a dog is a great way of reducing stress. And your puppy will benefit from it, too! A puppy’s first groom is a momentous occasion, similar to a human getting their first haircut and the initial approach can have a lifelong effect on a pup, positive or negative.  Grooming isn’t just about making your puppy look good. Regular care removes dead hair, keeps the coat and skin healthy, and gives you the opportunity to check your pup’s general health.

A pup’s initial experience can set the stage for how he responds to being groomed for the rest of his life so here are a few tips to benefit everyone.


The preparation needs to start right from the first day the pup is home as puppies learn best aged between 7- 16 weeks.

Introducing grooming in a positive way allows the pup to build a nice association with brushes, combs, clippers, nail trimmers and the handling that is associated with the grooming process. It is important for your pup to be used to being handled by others and you can also try regularly tickling your pup’s paws (including between the toes) and the tricky areas such as holding the face, looking in ears and under the tail

While the puppy is being conditioned to being touched and handled in a positive way you can start to introduce grooming equipment. To introduce each comb or brush, have some tasty small treats. Then show the brush to the pup and then feed a treat. Do this a few times, and then brush a few short strokes on the back and reward with a treat for good behaviour.

Do the same process with combs and nail clippers. Show the item first, feed the treat, and then remove the item as you stop feeding. This sets up a positive association in the dog’s mind between a very nice thing (yummy treats) and the grooming equipment and process.


Don’t wait too long for the first groom, the general rule of thumb is to start at around 16 weeks of age as they are usually easier to train.

The first grooming sessions should be short and sweet. If you decide to send your pup to a professional groomer it is important that they go as soon as possible so they can get used to the person and the place. Most groomers are happy to have short initial sessions for puppies to get them used to grooming.

So how often should you bathe your new puppy?  Well that depends a lot on your lifestyle, and your products.  When used properly, most shampoos will give a good clean without stripping out the essential oils so anywhere from weekly to monthly is usually okay.  One thing to remember is that the more you brush, the less you have to wash to keep your puppy smelling fresh and clean.

To arrange a professional groomer for your puppy, call Jim’s Dog Wash on 131546 for a free quote.

What Does A Dog’s Nose Know?

What Does A Dog’s Nose Know?

November 14, 2017

Even though humans and dogs can be best friends, we are very different in the way that we see the world. Apart from the obvious differences (they are furry and they bark instead of talking) the biggest difference is the way we perceive our environments through our senses.

Both dogs and humans have a good sense of taste, hearing and touch, but the senses that humans use most are smell and sight – we predominately interpret our world by what we see and dogs interpret things by what they smell. This causes us to have very different outlooks on the world around us.

Humans have much larger brains than dogs and yet, the part of the brain that communicates with a dog’s sense of smell is up to forty per cent bigger and more powerful than our own. This means that a dog’s sense of smell can be anywhere between a thousand and a hundred million times more sensitive than a human’s.

Dogs can find all the most important information purely through what they smell. This explains why dogs go around sniffing every single tree they pass on a walk.

Here are five of the most amazing things dogs can detect just by putting their heighted sense of smell to work:


They can tell when a female dog or human is pregnant or ovulating, just by a smell of their urine


Dogs have been known to sniff our sickness before it is even diagnosable by a doctor. They can pick anything as small as a tiny shift in hormones, to colds, flus and certain kinds of cancer – specifically of the skin, lung and breast in its early stages. In a 2006 study, dogs were found to have an 88 percent success rate at detecting cancer in breath alone. Other illnesses detectable by a dog’s sense of smell includes diabetes, narcolepsy, migraines and mental health disorders.

Illegal activities

Dogs are able to smell minor difference in metal and plastic consistencies, so apart from being able to detect illegal drugs, they can be trained to locate pirated DVDs, weaponry and bombs

Missing people

Dogs have a powerful scent memory, which makes it easy to identify the smell of a person they are looking for. These skills have often helped lead police to a crime scene even when human remains are deep under water


Aside from the flashes of light and vibrations in the atmosphere, electricity ionises the air releasing the scent of metal into the air that dogs find unsettling

Looking After Your Dog’s Nose

If your dog has a dry nose, it doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s sick. Dry noses are often a result of normal dog activities, such as lying in the sun, digging in the dirt or playing in snow or frost. However, if you see any additional symptoms, you should take your dog to see the vet. If there are no other symptoms, you can take care of your dog’s dry nose at home.

  1. Step 1
    Look carefully at your dog’s nose. If there are any lumps, bumps, cracks or discoloration, you should consult your veterinarian.
  2. Step 2
    Wash your dog’s nose gently with some warm, soapy water and a clean cloth.
  3. Step 3
    Apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly to your dog’s nose. This will moisturize it.
  4. Step 4
    Repeat Steps 2 and 3 twice each day until your dog no longer has a dry nose.
Why Use A Mobile Groomer?

Why Use A Mobile Groomer?

November 7, 2017

There is a growing trend in the pet industry towards mobile dog grooming. Most of us don’t have the time to be loading up our pets and taking them to the salon. Jim’s Dog Wash comes to you and the benefits are many.

  • Your dog’s anxiety will be lessened as they are groomed directly outside their own home.
  • Your dog may become anxious surrounded by other loud, barking dogs in a salon. Not so, with Jim’s Dog Wash. Your dog is our only customer.
  • Your dog is never kept in a kennel before or after the groom
  • Your Jim’s Dog Wash Franchisee will be the only one grooming your dog, enabling them to build trust.
  • Jim’s Mobile Dog Wash uses a high velocity drier. This can help with deshedding.
  • Jim’s Dog Wash comes to you and your dog is given specialised, one on one attention
  • You don’t need to load your dogs up and take them to the salon
  • You don’t even need to be home. Come home from work to a fresh, healthy and clean smelling best friend.

To organise a free quote, call 131546 and your local Jim’s Dog Wash Franchisee will be in contact.

Tips For Grooming Your Dog At Home

Tips For Grooming Your Dog At Home

November 7, 2017

Proper grooming is the key to a happier and healthier dog, but there are some mistakes that you can avoid when grooming your dog at home

Bathing your dog

Shampoo definitely gives your dog a fresh scent, but too much can dry out the skin and erase oils that your dog needs for a healthy coat. Start with a dab of shampoo and then use more if required and make sure that you rinse completely to avoid skin irritation.

Nail trimming

Nail trimming needs to be done regularly to avoid snags on carpet and furniture as well as painful feet for your dog. Cutting too close can cause pain and make your dog afraid of nail clippers in future. Ensure that you use quality clippers made for your size dog and make sure that you trim parallel to the nail.

Nail trimming can be a bit daunting and if you aren’t sure or are not confident, ask your Jim’s Dog Wash Franchisee to do it for you on your next regular groom.


Your dog’s ears require regular clean ups, but before you start you need to make sure that you have the correct tools for the job. Cotton tips are not meant for dogs and you may push debris too far into the ear canal, or even damage the ear. Use a wet cotton ball to wipe around the outside. Check carefully for any signs of redness, discharge or waxy build up. If this occurs, your dog likely has an ear infection and needs to be seen by the vet.


For dogs with curly, wiry, silky or long coats, clipping needs to form part of the regular grooming routine to lessen painful matting, tangles and fleas hiding in the fur. Make sure you brush before using clippers.

Jim’s Dog Wash Franchisees are qualified and experienced and will give your dog a one on one experience that is convenient and less stressful.

Call 131546 to book in a free quote.

Looking after short haired dogs

Looking after short haired dogs

November 2, 2017

So you think short haired dogs can’t benefit from a groom?  Think again.

If there’s one thing that never ceases to amaze us it’s the amount of people who mention in passing how annoying it is that their short haired dogs shed fur all over the house, but have never thought to ask us if we can do or advise anything to stop that.  The answer would be a resounding YES!

Most dogs shed, especially when the seasons are changing, it either drops out if the coat is short, or gets stuck in the coat and creates mats and knots if it’s long but there is something we can do about both, and so can you at home.

Meet Hiske, a clever active Kelpie with a short coat, and that ball of fluff in front of her believe it or not is just some of her undercoat.  Anything from a short coated Chihuahua or Great Dane, can benefit from a de-shedding treatment. Here’s what to do.

First a nice warm wash and shampoo with lots of bubbles and a good scrub with a rubber curry brush to loosen the dead coat that’s ready to shed out.  Then rinse really well and you should already see a lot of fur flushing away. A light conditioner can help too, but be sure to rinse even more thoroughly after that.  Jim’s Dog Wash uses a force dryer to blow a lot more out of the coat, but at home you can still achieve a reasonable result after your dog is completely dry using something like a “Furminator” (pictured – also great for cats)

Stroke the “Furminator” over the coat keeping it flat and horizontal to the body and you should get a lot of fur coming out.  Keep working around the entire dog moving gently when you get near the bony areas, as well as removing all that fur that is about to drop out, the coat should take on a nice shine.  Lastly, just a wipe over with a slightly damp chamois will pick up any strays you might have stirred up.

Whether you do it yourself or Jim’s Dog Wash a call, you should notice a huge difference around the house

Better Bubbles

Better Bubbles

November 2, 2017

Have you ever noticed how much cleaner your dog is after being to a groomer than when you wash him at home?  You pour on heaps of shampoo, throw in a little water from the hose, give him a scrub and wash him off, but his coat still seems dull.

One of the biggest problems with washing at home is shampoo residue being left on the coat and skin which can cause dullness and in some cases, serious skin conditions. Many, if not most dog shampoos suggest you pour the shampoo liberally over the dog.  This is not only makes it hard to rinse out, but it wastes a lot of shampoo unnecessarily.

Washing your dog can be quick and fun if you follow a few simple steps.

  • Get everything ready beforehand, shampoo, sponge, chamois, towels
  • For long coated dogs, or shedding coats, brush well first
  • If necessary, use a soft lead to tie your dog in place so both your hands are free
  • Use warm (but not hot) water whenever possible, if warm water is not available for the whole job, at least use a bucketful of warm water for shampooing and then rinse in cold
  • Put some shampoo into a bucket and fill with warm water and wash your dog with a sponge rather than pouring the shampoo onto the coat, or mix in a pressure sprayer that is used solely for this purpose.  This makes it easier to rinse out and you use significantly less too
  • Rinse really well and take care not to get water in the ears or nose.  When you have finished rinsing, the water should appear clear enough to drink
  • Dry off with a chamois first, this removes heaps of water and then towel dry giving a really good scruff up, this is your dogs reward for being so good

If your dog gets vehicle oil in the coat, try brushing though liberal amounts of un-scented baby powder, oil and water just don’t mix.  For removing chewing gum, use olive oil to rub into the gum and break it apart with your fingers.  It should slide out in small pieces then shampoo with warm water as above.

And that’s really all there is to it.  As always, brushing is more important than washing which helps remove dander, shedding coat and knots, and if in doubt, ask your groomer for advice for in-between maintenance.

Removing Stubborn Stains

Removing Stubborn Stains

November 2, 2017

There are many things you can do at home to fix stains quickly, cheaply and painlessly with common things you would have around the house.  Firstly, it helps if you understand hair construction.

The hair shaft is a strand of keratin, or protein that is produced in a hair follicle buried beneath the skin.  It basically consists of three layers;

Medulla, or core;

Cortex, tightly compressed keratin cells surrounding the Medulla;

Cuticle, a thin layer of overlapping cells covering the entire hair shaft similar to shingles of a roof.

The cuticle protects the inner layers when it is in good condition, but sometimes the little “shingles” break away and expose the cortex to internal damage. When this happens all sorts of things can get into the hair itself, oil, dirt or odours are common.

Oil Spots:

Probably the number one thing we are asked about is black oils spots.  The one main thing to remember is that oil and water do not mix so do not try to wash the stain out. The oil quickly soaks into the cuticle and it needs to be drawn out.  Get some plain baby powder and sprinkle it liberally into the coat and it will start to absorb the oil out of the cuticle.  After a few minutes, brush very well and reapply the powder until the spot has disappeared.

Chewing gum:

This is more common than you might imagine and reasonably easy to remove.  The simplest option of course is to cut it out, but it is not necessary as a little olive oil will sort the problem very well.  Any good quality clear oil will work, simply rub it into the gum and start picking away with your fingernail towards the tip of the hair and it will slide off the cuticle a little at a time.  Keep applying oil until it is gone and then soak up the oil with paper towels, and shampoo when it’s convenient.


If the paint is water based you should wash it out as soon as possible or at least keep it wet until it can be washed out. If it is enamel paint it is not so easy.  Do not under any circumstances pour thinning products on your dog. Remove as much as possible with paper towels and try alcohol wipes on the area while it is still damp and then shampoo well. If the paint has dried you could try the olive oil again or it may need to be clipped out to avoid your dog chewing at it.


If washing is not an option, some mud is as easy to be rid of as waiting for it do dry and brushing it away.  For smelly swamp mud, try adding baking soda in small amounts to the dried mud before brushing and repeat where necessary.

If you are not sure what to do, try ringing your groomer first and they should be able to give some additional advice.

Winter Tips

Winter Tips

November 2, 2017

During winter many people struggle with the issue of grooming over this time.  People worry their dogs will get cold if they get them cut too short and some will skip a groom and let their dogs grow in a bit more coat than usual.

One of the downsides of that is the matting that can occur if the long coated dogs are not kept brushed out especially with their extra length.  Jim’s Dog Wash often does quite a few clip offs at this time of year as customers suddenly find the coat felted painfully to their dog’s skin.

There are simple ways to prevent this from happening. Remember when putting jackets and jumpers on your dog to brush the coat well every time you take them off.  The friction of the clothing and also from harnesses quickly knots up the coat.

When your dog goes outside and gets wet, rub dry with a towel in an up and down movement and then comb out the coat.  Even if it is not completely dry a good combing will stop it matting up.

Keep your regular grooming schedule but ask your Jim’s Dog Wash Franchisee to trim the coat slightly longer than usual if you are worried about the cold, that way any split ends that matt easily are being trimmed off.  It is also a good idea to request the feet trimmed shorter than normal to make it easier to keep them dry.  This may not have the usual look you are used to, but it does help when your pup races inside after being out in the mud.

One thing that is worth knowing about woollen coats such as Poodles and Bichons is that pound for pound, dog’s wool is four times warmer than sheep’s wool and most times it is more important to make sure your dog doesn’t overheat in hot house with the fire going.

On a final note, just a reminder that if you are drying your dog with a hair dryer, make sure it is kept on a cool setting and do not go too close to the coat as dogs are so sensitive to heat and can burn easily.

Itchy Skin

Itchy Skin

November 1, 2017

Itchy skin can be caused by a great many different things and looking for a solution is often time consuming and frustrating especially if it takes a while to narrow down the source of the problem.

Whether the problem is fleas, food allergies, environmental allergies such as to pollens and plants, or even stress, soothing and cooling the skin is a priority.

Of course a trip to your vet should be your first port of call and they may recommend (among other things) a medicated wash for the skin. If they do, it is critical that you follow the washing instructions very carefully. Usually the products dictate leaving on the skin for 15 minutes and it is important that this time is observed before rinsing to get the maximum benefit from the product. Jim’s Dog Wash groomers are happy for you to bring the prescribed shampoo for the groom and will know exactly how to apply it for best results.

For mild irritations you could use an oatmeal rinse which is an excellent way to sooth the skin. Pour a cup of plain oatmeal into a food processor to blend it to a powder and add it to 2 litres of lukewarm water. You could add in one teaspoon of colloidal silver which is great for bacterial and fungal issues. Bathe the dog in this mixture and don’t use heat when drying as that will make itching worse.

For more stubborn long term itches, especially with short coated dogs the pH of the skin and damage to the outer layers of skin can be to blame. A safe and natural wash and rinse may be successful in treating the itches. Rinse your dog with fresh water and then pour over a solution of one heaped tablespoon of baking soda to 1 cup of water (as many cups as required to coat the whole dog) and wash your dog with this. Then after rinsing well, make another solution of 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to one cup of water and pour over your dog and leave to dry (again, as many cups as required to coat your dog all over). This can rebalance the pH and help reduce irritation.

Aloe Vera has been used for thousands of years and it can be very soothing if the flesh of the plant is rubbed onto sore red areas. Remember to tell your groomer of any skin issues when you ring for a booking and if in any doubt, always consult your vet or allergy specialist.

Heat Spots

Heat Spots

November 1, 2017

Coming into summer, we see an array of health issues when we are grooming, and perhaps one of the most misunderstood problems are heat spots, so what are they are what can we do to help?

Heat spots are a localised skin infection (also commonly called moist dermatitis) and can be caused by bacteria entering the skin in several ways. One of the main reasons we see heat spots in summer is because the dog is scratching and bacteria can easily enter slightly broken skin and a heat spot can quickly form.

The area which usually starts off as a red patch on the skin, can quickly spread over several hours from the size of a coin to the size of your hand if your pet is licking and chewing at it, so it is imperative that they leave it alone even if you have to resort to an Elizabethan collar so they can’t reach the spot.

For smaller heat spots, healing is usually reasonably quick if the area is clipped of fur to let the air in and given regular saline rinses or diluted Betatine solutions and patted dry but if the area is spreading it is important to go to your vet in case antibiotics are in order.

Some dogs are more predisposed to heat spots than others, and owners of such dogs usually notice a warm patch of skin where the dog has been nibbling and infection is building, followed by a dampness which develops into a pus filled area. As the sore begins to dry and heal it will form a scab and that is natures band-aid so it’s important to leave it in place to allow healing underneath. At some point, it will fall away on its own.

So how to prevent heat spots? Well, firstly it is important to find out why your dog is scratching and do what you can to prevent it. Make sure you keep fleas under control and check ears are clean and smelling fresh as ear infections can cause scratching around the head and neck. Even cats get these types of sores from fighting or mating (where males will often chew on the female’s neck).

Keeping your long haired or thick coated breeds regularly groomed will help keep the dog cool and your groomer can get a better look at the skin using a force dryer to part the fur and see straight to the skin which is usually not possible at home. Jim’s Dog Wash groomers have ways to sanitise their equipment to eliminate bacteria but it is important that if your dog has been trimmed short, they do not scratch too hard not realising that they don’t have a thick coat anymore so they can make a scratch much more easily.

Contact us today for more information on our Dog Grooming Services

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